Medically Cleared

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I was jumping with happiness after finding out Riddle was finally medically cleared to fight. I swear, what Rollins did was not a good thing. But the thing is, I knew about it before Riddle told everyone on WWE. Riddle was scared that he might not get to fight Rollins at Cash at the Castle, so Riddle texted me saying if I should go with him.

I didn't want to say no because I do care about him still. We were still friends before all of this predicament happened. So I decided to go with him. It would be unfriendly of me to do that, even thought I took a break from work to stay away from these two but this seems important to him. So I didn't want to disappoint him.

Sunday 3:00pm before Riddle's announcement

My phone kept ringing and ringing but like my hands are full with my groceries bags. But of course the person calling me doesn't know that. My door was open cause I knew I was going to stubborn enough to try and bring in all of the bags in at once. So I grabbed all the bags into both of my hands, kicked my car door, and the door closed.

I kept yelling to my phone I'll be right there but that shit ain't work for obvious reasons. I put all the groceries bags on top of my counter top, and just finally answered the phone. I literally had to calm down because I almost yelled hello. "Hey, uhm I know we aren't supposed to talk to each other cause of your break." Riddle spoke. "Yeah I know but is something wrong?" I asked.

"Uhm, so I need to head back to the doctor to see about my neck. And I'm kind of worried to go." Riddle added, "can you no may you please come with me?" I was kind of silent but also kind of sad because of the way he said it. Far as I can tell, Riddle loves to wrestle. I could tell how much wrestling means to him through the sound of his voice.

"I would gladly come with you, Riddle." I responded. All I heard was Riddle slowly breath in and out and said, "thank you bro." I smiled. Riddle told me he was going to text me all the information. Riddle wanted to pick me up and go see his doctor about his neck. I could still see the bandages on his back towards his neck. At least that what I think it is.

Sunday 4:30pm before Riddle's announcement

It took us one hour and a half to go to Riddle's doctor. But it took us longer cause I wanted some snacks and needed to take a shit. Riddle's playlist on the road was kind of distinct than what I usually listen to. Yet again, we all have our own different taste of music. Whenever I played some of my own songs, I could see Riddle vibe to some of my song choices. Some, not all though. But was glad he had an open mind to try to listen to my music choices.

I've played "Holiday" by Madonna. He liked that one, it was old and a classic one. I also played "Wildest Dreams" by Taylor Swift, "2 Be Loved (Am I Ready)" By Lizzo, "Boyfriend" by Big Time Rush, "After Love" by Jennifer Lopez. I've played some Ariana Grande, some Selena Quintanilla, some Banda music, some Nicki Minaj, and some cumbia songs.

When I was singing "2 Be Loved," "After Love," and "Boyfriend" I could tell Riddle was sad and enjoying those songs, but it was also the way I was singing them in the car. Riddle knew how much I can relate to these songs, and I could tell how little he can relate. But he did enjoy some of the songs I played for him.

Now back to the doctor's office. We are both waiting for Riddle's doctor to call out for him. "Hey, don't be nervous. Just keep focusing on your breathing." I told Riddle. I could see him getting all worked up. I hold his hand, and Riddle was caught off guard. Riddle sees my hand holding his, he looks at me right on the eyes.

"You will be fine. You will be medically cleared to wrestle. I am putting all of my faith in that." I told him. And somehow that made Riddle actually calm down. What I actually did was a total shocking to me too. After a few minutes of our eyes staring at each other, I literally kissed him. On the lips of course.

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