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           Hours had passed since the first game and the incident with riki, the three ended up staying for the night in jake's room knowing the fact that staying alone wouldn't be a good choice in this situation due to the blood thirsty creatures— or should i say, humans?


jake only sighed as he observed the two sleeping figures in his single bed, stressing about what to do with the new and perhaps traumatized students. he slid his fingers into the cigarette box only to find out he only has one left and jake swore that he almost burst out of anger but having no choice he had to stick with it since they really can't go out at the moment after grabbing one he threw the box out of the window, not caring about anything right now. he immediately placed it between his lips whilst he fished out for the lighter in his pocket using his other hand.

the male flicked the lighter creating a rasp sound, he grimaced at the sharp and toxic smell that the fire produced— he halted for a moment. ‘should i be really smoking right now?’ he asked himself as he looked once again at jungwon and sunoo who appears to be stirring in their sleep. he smiled softly at how the two ended up calming down when their arms unconsciously wrapped against each other's body making them cuddle. jake couldn't help as he remembered his two siblings back at home.


“hyung!” his little brother called out as he ran towards jake with arms wide open, ready to tackle the tall figure with a warm hug. jake smiled widely revealing his white, porcelain teeth jihoon!” he giggled as he picked up the boy, spinning him around while staring at his little brother with nothing but adoration. “not fair! i also want to be carried!” his little sister, minji frowned. “once he gets home, you'll be also carried by jake hyung minji! but right now, hyung has to go.” jake's mother spoke as she picked up a sulking minji. “same goes to you big boy.” jake's father picked up jihoon who was in jake's arms.

jake bid his goodbye as he got in the car, taking one last glimpse at his family before finally leaving them for his new school, Cairtean Neamh University which soon ended up being his worst nightmare.


unconsciously, a tear rolled down on jake's cheek as he gazed up at the moon with a solemn look. “i'll be home soon, i swear.” he muttered. he looked at his palm and saw the cigarette that he was supposed to light up, he isn't sure whether to smoke or not since he doesn't want for the two peaceful figures to wake up just because of the smoke.

“well, isn't this unusual?”

a voice spoke, immediately making the male wipe the tear off his cheek and stuffing the cigarette aggressively in his pocket. he turned around to only see heeseung standing, back casually resting against the door. “how did you get in here?” he asked hesitantly, grabbing a nearby book for protection (as if that'll do anything.)

“i picked the lock, never knew i was capable of doing such thing.” he laughed as he threw the hair pin the male had used to open the lock by force which jake ended up catching the thin hair pin out of reflex.

“what do you want? did your 'king' sent you here?” jake asked, approaching the two sleeping students— ready to defend them even if it costs his life. heeseung shook his head and sat down on a nearby table. “no! absolutely not, i just came here for .. fun? maybe.” he shrugged as he looked around jake's room. clothes on the floor, papers scattered around the table and it even reeks like cigarette.

“did someone broke in here? it's very messy.” heeseung chuckled at his own joke making jake glare at the male. “isn't that rude of you? for your information, i am a very clean person. i just forgot to fix everything since i was in a rush earlier.” he scowled as he aggressively grabbed the paper that heeseung was holding catching the ace off guard.

“always so mean to me.. i am very hurt, you know that jake?” heeseung grabbed a fistful of his clothed chest, pretending as if he had some sort of heart attack. jake only raised an eyebrow as he crumpled the paper into a ball, throwing it directly to heeseung's head. “get out already, sunoo and jungwon are sleeping.” he hissed.

“fine! but i got a warning for you.” heeseung whispered as he looked around like he was trying to make sure if someone is eavesdropping on their conversation. “riki's coming for the pink head boy.” he smiled before standing up and waving the confused male a goodbye and stepping out of the room, not forgetting to close the door quietly.

the boy wanted to know more about what the ace had meant— riki? coming for sunoo? for what reason?

it appears he has more worries for tomorrow, afraid of what the king would do to the new student.


back with it again with a very poorly written narrations, although don't worry! i'll be editing this chapter once i finally have the proper time TT i wrote this while rushing so i'm very sorry.

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