Chapter 9

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"We're back!" Alex called as we stepped back into the bus. I smiled hello to everyone before looking back down to my new phone. It wasn't a fancy smart phone or anything, just a plain, old Nokia. It could call and text and that's all that mattered to me. I paid, even though Alex went off in a huff about it, so I kept the price low. I had my iPod Touch anyway. He was absolutely amazing in the shop with me (we popped in on our way back here), he talked to the shop assistants for me and asked the questions I wanted to know. He understood. It meant so much that he thought of me enough to do that. I didn't even have to ask.

"Woah, the 1700s called. They want their phone back." Jack teased. I smiled back sarcastically. The phone was invented in 1876 but I didn't want to crush his dreams. He's still just a little boy, even if he is technically 2 years older than me.

"What ya doing?" Alex asked leaning over my shoulder to read the tiny screen. I was sending a text to Alice so she'd know my new number. It was kind of lame she was the only person I needed to text. I shrugged, almost smacking him in the jaw he was so close, but he moved just in time, snatching my phone from me as soon as I pressed send.

"Hey!" I sulked trying to grab back my phone with no success. He just raised it above his head where I couldn't reach and started typing something. I stood there frowney faced with my arms crossed. What was he doing? He better not be texting something weird to Alice. I want my phone back! I prodded his stomach and he looked down.

"What? I'm just putting my contact in." he said, passing the phone to Rian. I fake pouted. Inside I was going insane about how I'm about to have all of All Time Low's numbers. It did, however, still make me uneasy someone else had my phone. I knew there was nothing to hide; I'd got it about 30 minutes ago for god's sake. But I'd still prefer it if I was the one holding it. Call me a control freak if you want, I don't care, I just wanted my phone back and safe.

"Hey come on smile." He said like he was talking to a grumpy child. I was actually really excited about having their phone numbers but I didn't want him to know that so I shook my head and looked away. I could feel a smile creeping on my face but I fixed it back into a frown. I was going to make him feel sorry and guilty.

"I can tell you're trying not to smile." He said. Damn him. Or was he bluffing? Either way it was making this very difficult. Why is it that when you're trying not to smile it's the one time you can't control one springing to your mouth? Suppressing it was becoming painful. I felt my lips twitch and quickly covered my face. I couldn't give him the satisfaction. I didn't even know why I was doing this, there was literally no point but here I was anyway, trying to hide my face and failing.

"I knew it! I saw that! Your lips twitched! Now let me look at it properly." He exclaimed. I couldn't see him but I knew he looked stupidly smug with himself. Yes well done Alex you made a person smile. I felt strong fingers wrap around my wrists. It made me blush. He was only touching my wrists how did I find this cute and exciting? My hands were ripped away from my face and held in place my Alex's.

"No!" I protested keeping my eyes closed. Maybe if I couldn't see him he couldn't see me. I know that's not how it really works but let me dream.

I popped one eye open and jumped when I saw he was so close again. He was smiling like an idiot. What a dork. This felt like a game of Peek-a Boo. His smile was so cute. His perfect teeth were on show and his tongue sticking through slightly. Oh my gosh I can't handle any of this. I wanted to scream then jump off of a cliff. Okay maybe that's a bit extreme but I just have a lot of feelings about how cheeky his smile was. I didn't know how one smile could hold both mischief and safety at the same time. His sure did though. The sight calmed me down yet made me excited all at once. It made me wonder what he was thinking to be able to smile like that.

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