Chapter 6

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Well hello there glad to see your pretty face :3 (this chapter isn't my best i'm sorry don't shoot)

Alex POV

It was one lap in and I had already been booty bumped off the couch. Jack was running around in front of the TV, pretending to be the squid covering up half the screen despite Zack throwing both of his shoes at him. Poor Rian had given up after the 10th time he’d fallen off of the road and was now lying on the floor making carpet angels. The only one still sat was Zack, gripping the wheel with such force I swore I could see cracks starting to show.

Zack was in first, Jack in third, me in eighth and Rian was 12th and not going anywhere anytime soon. I couldn’t let Zack win again. He’d already beaten us over and over last night and I just couldn’t go through his 3 hour long gloat again. It was time for desperate measures.

I sacrificed my place to make my way around the back of the sofa without Zack noticing a thing. No one had dared destroy his game since Zack would rip their heads off, but I didn’t care about that anymore. This game turned you barbaric; you had to be brutal to survive. I slowly stood up driving my kart as usual so I wouldn’t cause any suspicion.

FLOMP, I belly flopped onto Zack causing him so much surprise he dropped his remote. Jack kicked the remote a side and took this as his chance to win and end Zack’s smugness. I felt Zack’s iron fist grasp around my flailing wrists.

“JACK WIN THE FUCKING RACE, I CAN’T HOLD HIM FOR MUCH LONGER.” I screamed, wriggling on top of Zack to make it harder for him to catch me. I heard Jack war cry as the finish line was in sight and he passed Zack’s abandoned kart. Zack threw me off of him onto the floor and made a run for the remote. But it was too late. Jack was already shaking what his mama gave him as he crossed the finish line.

I was mid bro-hug when I heard screams. It was Ella. Rian sat up looking alarmed.

Ella’s POV

“You’re not worth it Ella.”

“Shut up. We don’t want to hear your whiny little voice anymore”

“You’ve caused this family so much hassle.”

“I pitied you. I gave you my time and you’ve wasted it.”

“Nobody cares anymore, just deal with it everyone else does.”

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself”

“Do everyone a favour and leave.”

They all spat on me. I was cowering in the corner of the kitchen. They were closing in. All my family and friends saying what they truly thought of me. They were all right. I was a pathetic, worthless, weak piece of shit that couldn’t do anything without feeling sad. Why should I make everyone else’s lives so difficult just because I found mine hard? I needed to stop.

I looked down to see smoke coming out the ground. Their feet were burning. Flames gathering around and smothering their legs. They cried out for help. I needed to save them. They were my family. But I couldn’t move. I was stuck to my place being forced to watch all my loved ones burn into dust, flames licking at their face. Their screams filled my ears, joining my cries.

“ELLA HELP US.” Alice screeched, collapsing in a charcoal mess in front of me.

I struggled, a weak effort to reach for the fire extinguisher in the cabinet. They were all dead or about to be and it was all my fault. No matter how hard I tried my strain to put the fire out wasn’t enough.

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