Chapter 10

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A/N: Bit off a boring chapter, but I'm introducing new characters so bare with me :) Thanks for reading!

"Ugh, I'm stuffed!" Jack sighed, flopping onto the couch.

"I kinda guessed you would be after eating the entire restaurant, fat ass." Rian commented, sitting down next to him.

"Hey I am not a fat ass. In case you didn't notice I got a diet coke." Jack protest.

"Yeh you also ate three portions of fries by yourself." Zack pitched in. Jack rolled his eyes and turned away from them in a huff. It was true. I couldn't understand how on earth Jack managed to eat of that. It wasn't like he was chubby or anything, he was super lanky in fact. Maybe he's still a teenage boy, going through that phase where they eat everything and are still the skinniest person in the house. It would explain Jack's fascination with dicks and boobs.

"Don't worry honey; you'll burn it off in the show tomorrow." Alex cooed, patting Jack's knee and sitting opposite him.

"Thanks babe, you know how it goes straight to my dick." Jack winked.

"There is nothing straight about your dick." Rian mumbled, texting on his phone. He was smiling, maybe he was talking to Cass.

"Hey, it's straight." Jack protested.

"Unlike you." Zack said, holding back a smirk. Jack winked.

"Anyway I'm not the one with a bent dick here." Jack said, the entire band turned to look at Alex.

"It sits to the left!" He objected, blushing slightly and standing up to head to the door. "Anyway I'm going to get Ella away from you jerks! Ella wanna meet the crew?" He asked me, holding the door open. I nodded, covering up the laughter about his bent dick and walked off the bus.

"Just to let you know I do have a perfectly normally aligned dick." He said walking ahead back towards the venue. He straightened out his jacket as if it would restore his masculinity. I wonder if he realises he lost his masculinity completely whilst filming the I Feel Like Dancing music video? It doesn't bother me, I'd much rather have a guy in touch with his 'feminine' side that have a hard ass dude who constantly feels the need to prove his manliness by 'banging bitches and hoes'.

"Yeah sure you do..." I muttered sarcastically. If he wanted to protect that secret he shouldn't have said it in an interview even if it was in like 2010.

"It sits to the left! It's not bent it just prefers the left!"

"Are you talking about your dick again, Alex?" I heard another man say as he opened up the back of a van. He looked to be one of the crew members since he was tiding all the wires that connected to All Time Low's equipment.

"Yes of course, if you had a dick like mine you'd never stop talking about it either."

"Right... Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" The unknown man said, gesturing towards me. 

"Oh right yeh. This is Ella, I owe her so she's gunna spent the rest of tour with us. Ella, this is Will, our guitar tech, trainee guitar tech anyway." Alex introduced us. I was unsure what to do in this situation. Was I meant to shake his hand? Or was that too formal? He seemed like chill guy so my hand decided on an awkward wave and smile. God damn it I could see him smirking at me. He already thinks I'm a loser.

"Don't say trainee. That makes me sound like some sort of toddler." Will groaned, finishing up with the wires and coming forwards to meet us.

"Jack seems to have no problem with the toddler title and you're the same age." Alex teased, patting him on the back.

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