Chapter 8

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AN: So this is quite a long chapter, hopefully it will make up for the long wait. FUTURE HEARTS WAS OUT TODAY, I'M SCREAMING.

"THAT'S MY FUCKING BACON YOU GREEDY POTATO." I heard Jack yell somewhere of in the distance. I breathed in the new day and rolled over to face the curtain.  I'm on All Time Low's coach. Geez, I'm such a band whore.

"Greedy Potato?" Rian replied. What is going on? I peeled back the covers and rolled off the bed. I was still dressed in my skinny jeans, t-shirt and hoodie from the concert. I felt gross since I hadn't showered or changed since then, even though it was less than 24 hours ago. I attempted to look better presented by patting down my hair with little effect. I probably looked like Shrek's butt, but then again I always look like Shrek's butt so no difference there. I walked through to the living area to see Rian slapping Jack's hand away from across the table. They woke me up over bacon? Understandable...

"Morning Gum Bum." Alex said from behind, startling me. Oh my god last night really did happen. Why the hell did I tell him that story? Why did I think that was a good idea? I'm such a failure, I shouldn't be allowed to talk at night, all I do is blab. I turned bright red and hid my face in my hands, groaning.

"Gum Bum?" I heard Zack shout above Jack still screaming over his/Rian's bacon. My head shot up and I turned to glare at Alex before quickly looked away and violently shaking my head at the floor. Don't tell them no no no. "Never mind." Alex shrugged, brushing off the subject. Zack just nodded and concentrated on his poached eggs. I felt Alex scoot past me through thin door way and his arm brushed past mine. How could such a little thing have such an affect on me, I was now blushing even deeper because of that one simple piece of contact. Ella what's happening to you? This isn't even fangirling any more. He's a human being. Keep. It. Together.

"So Ella, what do you want for breakfast?" Alex asks, leaning back onto the counter, slumping so that he's almost at my height.

"I um don't want anything, thank you..." I mutter looking down. In truth I was actually starving, I had skipped dinner last night in a rush to get to the concert. But I didn't want to tell him that, what if he thought I ate too much, what if he thought I was taking them for granted? Alex looked concerned, frowning slightly.

"Are you sure?" He asked again prodding my arm to get my attention; I ruined it by automatically shifting away. I liked that he touched me, why the hell did I move?

"Yeh, I'm not hungry..." I lied. I could feel my stomach about to rumble and pulled down my sleeves loudly attempting to cover the noise up. But thanks to my luck as soon as I thought it was safe my tummy groaned. Oh my god no shhh hush shut the fuck up. I heard Alex laugh as he pushed away from the counter towards the stove.

"Doesn't sound like it. I'll make some pancakes." He chuckled. Oh no, he heard it. I even friction burned myself from pulling my sleeves down so violently purely to avoid that.

"No, it's fine honestly." I insisted.

"Ella, stop fussing. You gotta eat and I was going to make pancakes for myself anyway."

"AND FOR ME!" Jack yelled, seeming to have forgotten all about his beloved bacon that Rian had stolen. Alex rolled his eyes and turned to the stove, muttering about how Jack eats like a pregnant woman. I awkwardly seated myself on one of the stools by the counter. I didn't know what to do, should I talk? I didn't want to bother them and I really wasn't very interesting. I wish Alice was here, she was always guaranteed to make me feel more comfortable in any social situation.

"Hey, do you wanna try calling your friend again?"  Alex asked as he poured the first of the pancake mix in the pan.

"Oh um okay?" I answered, even though it was more of a question. I took the phone he handed me. I really hoped she answered. I dialled her number and waited anxiously. She answered after the second ring.

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