Chapter 11

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A/N: Yoooo I'm back from holiday!  Thanks for staying with this fanfic I know nothing has happened in it so far really. But that is all about to change. I'm so sorry. Especially sorry for you Sarah, yeh I see you, ya kinky bitch.


"Ella wake uuuppp!" I heard someone whine from outside my curtain. I groaned in response. I was still tired from Jack's 7 hour rendition of all Frozen songs. It's the middle of freaking the summer. Although you can never predict English weather I suppose. It's my third day on tour and things are going well. I've befriended Will even further and he seemed to be my new best friend, that's on tour with me anyway. Man, I miss Alice.

"What time is it?" I croaked in my low morning voice. Ugh I sound like a dude.

"It 2 o'clock in the afternoon, sleepy head! Wake up!" Alex said, ripping back the curtains. I groaned as the sunlight came into contact with my eyelids. It was like hell was trying to crawl into my eyes. Why must day light exist?

"It burns! Leave me be!" I pleaded, snuggling further into the covers, attempting to bury myself back into the comfort of the dark.

"Nope, I've been trying to wake you up since 10 am and this is the first time you've moved. Me and the guys thought you were dead or in a coma. Lucky you're awake now, otherwise Jack would have to whip out his nurse's outfit and only I should be the one allowed to see that." He joked. I couldn't believe it was already 2pm. Surely I can't have slept that long, I still feel tired. I suppose I was still awake when the sun rose in the sky at 6am last night, well morning. I must look like crap. I mumbled something in annoyance and turned away from him.

"Come on you silly goose." He said, seizing the covers from my hands and exposing my toes to the cold British weather. I squealed and thrashed around even more, grabbing at thin air looking for my blanket. Alex came into my bunk, holding my arms to my sides.

"If you don't go get ready you'll have to turn up to the concert set up in these unicorn pyjamas. You may look hella cute in them but no one will take you seriously." He warned, poking me in the stomach. I pouted with my eyes still closed and rolled onto the floor, worming my way to the bathroom. When I got to some privacy I let my pout turn into a small smile.

He thinks I look cute in unicorns.


"You're on in 5." Shane informed us all sat in All Time Low's dressing room. Rian tapped on his knees in anticipation.

"I'm excited for tonight, it's gunna be good I can already tell."

"Yeh, I know you are you've already broken a pair of your drum sticks and we haven't even been on yet." Zack smirked at the adrenalin induced drummer.

"Do you want me to drop you off with Will? Don't want you bored by yourself back stage." Alex suggested, standing up and heading to the door.

"Yeh sure." I agreed and followed. I really liked Will's company; he was such a laid back guy even though he played a big part in the running of the concerts. In between switching out and sorting guitars he found the time to relax me and make jokes. He's a good guy.

"Hey Will!" Alex called to the tall guitar tech that was making sure the instruments were in the right order and tune.

"Hey Alex. I see I'm babysitting Ella yet again." Will greeted us and patted my head.

"Oy, I'm not a child." I protested slapping Will's arm lightly. He laughed and gave me a hug. We wished Alex one last good luck and then it was time for him to go on with the rest of the guys. I really loved watching the shows every night from back stage. I mean sure you couldn't see as much which was a bit of a bummer but you got to hear the live music without any of the hassle of the rude people in the crowds.

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