- Chapter 13 -

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Kouyou, The black lizard and Chuuya were in front of the ADA building. Holding a bomb in hand, Gin threw it towards the 4th level window and  in 3 seconds. BOOM! A deafening sound was heard and a fire erupted and started burning the 4th level room as the flames licked up everything in it's way. Akutagawa, was first to act and jumped up and crashed in through the 3rd level window and went in to ambush the ADA members. Gin followed her brother swiftly. While the other members of the black lizard went by the stairs. Kouyou and Chuuya floated into the air and entered the building by the roof. Chuuya was desperate to stop everyone from attacking but he didn't want to lose his job and be called a traitor. He followed Kouyou closely behind. Kouyou bit her lower lip and stopped halfway. "Chuuya, I don't want to attack the ADA members either...but you know we can't disobey Mori-san's orders..."  Chuuya was slightly pleased that Kouyou was on his side but fowmed again, upset that they had to follow Mori's orders. He implored "Then, just don't hurt them or give them a chance to escape. That way, we aren't attacking them and hurting them as bad and we aren't disobeying Mori-san's orders either..." Kouyou nodded her head, agreeing to Chuuya's suggestion. They busted in through the door and saw all the ADA members in defending mode. When Chuuya and Kouyou went in, their eyes followed and they were shocked half to dead. Two of port mafia's strongest executives were standing right in front of them! Kouyou noticing the rest went here yet, immediately ranted " Calm down, we won't attack you. We may act like we are attacking you to just please out damn boss. But that's only us...not sure about the rest." Everyone was stunned. Kunikida who was first to register everything noticed Chuuya behind Kouyou. "Wait, aren't you Nakahara Chuuya?" Chuuya looked at Kunikida and nodded shyly and glanced away immediately. Kouyou obviously curious stared at Chuuya intently but gave up after a while. Upon hearing Chuuya's name, Dazai popped up from behind the other ADA members and went straight to Chuuya, hugging him tightly. Kouyou was shocked and angry at first but seeing Chuuya smile made her calm again as she was about to ask something, but the black lizard busted into the room. Pointing their knives, guns and activating their abilities in the same time. Chuuya gently pushed Dazai away and activated his ability as well. He lifted up all the tables and dropped them right above the ADA members. The ADA members were shocked , they couldn't dodge all that! But surprisingly, all the tables dropped down but avoided all of them. Dropping right behind, in font or beside them. They all looked at Chuuya who was giving a gentle smile at them. There and then, they all knew Kouyou and Chuuya weren't lying just now. They smiled back about fought the black lizard. Chuuya and cod their way out without letting the black lizard get suspicious on them. Everything was going well until Tachihara started aiming at Dazai only. Even though Mori said to bring Dazai back to base not dead or injured. This was the only way to end the fight so he took the risk and pulled the trigger. Dazai couldn't dodge in time and Chuuya knew that. Activating his ability, a red glow appeared before the bullets and made it drop to the ground. Kouyou who thought fast, covered the bullets with gold demon just in time. Noticing that the bullets didn't reach Dazai, Tachihara thought that one of the ADA members protected Dazai and gave up the thought of aiming at Dazai only and attacked the other members. Dazai looked at Chuuya was sighed in relief. Dazai smiled at Chuuya warmly and mouthed the words 'thank you'. That didn't go unnoticed by Chuuya who laughed slightly and shouted "Retreat! Stupid ADA members! We will kill you next time!" And with those few words, everyone retreated and went back to port mafia base with a few cuts, bruises and scratches, telling Mori that they failed the mission. Mori was upset but knew that he underestimated the Armed Detective Agency. Kouyou after the meeting, immediately asked Chuuya why Dazai was so touchy. Chuuya then whispered to Kouyou to keep it a secret and Kouyou nodded excitedly. "He's my boyfriend..." Chuuya confessed blushing madly now. Kouyou started squealing and shot her hand in the air triumphly, happy that she guessed it right. She was happy for Chuuya. "Chuuya...is it me or did your eyes turn back to your normal ocean blue ones?" Kouyou asked while handing Chuuya a mirror. Chuuya took the mirror and looked at his eyes, she was right! It turned back blue! "Maybe it's because of Dazai kun...." Kouyou said while putting her hand at her chin while thinking. "I missed those eyes...."Kouyou sighed happily and hugged Chuuya agin, who hugged her back also happy. Just then, Mori came into the picture and asked for Chuuya to see him. Chuuya followed Mori into his office with Kouyou getting suspicious and following silently behind. Careless Mori left the door ajar and allowed Kouyou to look inside clearly. "What did you wanted to talk to me about boss?" Chuuya broke the silence. Mori turn to face Chuuya and gave him one of his classic death glares which sent shivers down Chuuya's spine as he hasn't seen those eyes in a while. Mori pushed Chuuya towards the wall and put his hand on his throat while staring daggers into Chuuya's eyes. Chuuya's anted to push Mori back but didn't, he couldn't disrespect his boss..."Chuuya kun. Do you think that i didn't know you were the one who let the ADA members live? With your power, you can easily kill all of them!" Mori yelled as he took out his scalpel puttin it near Chuuya's neck. Chuuya had small bead of sweat dripping down his forehead as the scalpel came nearer to Chuuya's neck. Mori raised his hand and was about to stab Chuuya straight in the neck but some thing stopped him. Kouyou had summoned her golden demon to protect Chuuya. Mori's scales snapped in tow as he dropped Chuuya because of the sudden movement. Chuuya dropped down and slid down the wall, coughing violently because Mori was suffocating him just now. Kouyou stood protectively in front of Chuuya with Golden demon behind her, ready to attack Mori whenever told to. Golden demon slowly disappeared while Kouyou still stood firmly on the spot with a cold glare on her face. "Mori san, I remind you not to jump into conclusions. Chuuya is loyal and will never betray port mafia...Hurt him and I won't hesitate to kill you." With that sentence, Kouyou helped Chuuya out and excused herself and Chuuya out of Mori's office. Mori stood up and sat back down on his seat frowning. Chuuya thanked Kouyou profusely and went back home after that. 

Opening his apartment door, Chuuya walked into see a sleeping Dazai on his couch. How did he even get in? Chuuya's footsteps woke up the brunette and Dazai walked towards Chuuya, hugging him. However, seeing the bruise on Chuuya's neck, he ended the hug and asked Chuuya what happened with a concern tone. Chuuya looked down not answering Dazai. That made Dazai even more worried as he took Chuuya by the chin and made him look up and asked him with a more serious tone. "Mori....san thought that I was helping you guys..." Chuuya finally answered, stammering. Dazai's eyes turned cold while there was a dark aura surrounding him. He started mumbling curse words while repeating that he will kill Mori once and for all. But Chuuya hugged him which calmed Dazai down slightly. Dazai kissed Chuuya on the forehead and tugged him in for the night while leaving his apartment frowning slightly.


Don't be afraid to be yourself! Be proud to be you! Thank you for reading!🏹

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Don't be afraid to be yourself! Be proud to be you! Thank you for reading!🏹

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