-Chapter 27-

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With that rather unpleasant incident, the duo were separated. Everyone found it weird how the two's behaviour from the way they talk, act or even simple matters such as the way they closed the door turned into a slam. The ADA discussed it during lunch time as Dazai left the agency which is strange because he usually ordered Atsushi to get him food and stay in his seat listening to music or reading his suicide book.

"Maybe something happened between him and Chuuya san?" Atsushi questioned concerned. He was worried for his mentor as Dazai's cheerful, joking attitude, turned into a dark and upset one. Everyone shivered at the thought of how he acted like in the mafia. Maybe much worse...they all thought. "It probably is..." Rampo replied while munching on his newly bought chips. Everyone nodded in agreement as they all knew whatever Rampo said was right.  They all wanted to help but they couldn't just budge into port mafia base and drag Chuuya out. Dazai really had to make it up to Chuuya himself. Besides, Mori, Boss of port mafia, also didn't know... They all sighed as they continued eating their lunch silently.

The same happened in port mafia.  Chuuya's normal aggressive and cheerful vibe turned into a more cold and silent one. Even emotionless Akutagawa noticed it. Kouyou was worried and knew it was about Dazai and seeked the ADA member's help. The ADA members and Kouyou had built a strong bond. They knew that Kouyou could be trusted and Kouyou also trusted them.(Especially Yasano san) All hoped it went well.

Kouyou pushed the door to the ADA open as she gracefully stepped in, her pink kimono swaying from the wind. Kunikida and Atsushi were first to greet her with a 'we are most grateful to have you' and the rest followed. She bowed and took her seat. "So I have heard that Dazai is acting strange, same as Chuuya?" Kouyou started with concern plastered all over her face. The ADA members nodded with Rampo adding "It obviously is about Chuuya though..." Kouyou glanced over to see Rampo eating his snacks again and lightly chuckled as she nodded in agreement. "What do we do?" Yasano spoke up. "Yah! It's weird without our normal cheerful Dazai!" Tanizaki continued. Kouyou smiled as she replied "They will get through it.. We just need to push them to make up. What did Dazai do anyway?" Everyone looked at each other with confused faces and shrugged. And as always, everyone looked at Rampo which resulted with a sigh from him. "Dazai probably didn't want to tell  Chuuya something and ended up fighting." Everyone thanked Rampo profusely and continued discussing. However, Kouyou at the side was silent the whole time. Her eyes were not her concerned one, it was a cold one. The rest didn't notice as they were busy discussing the matter at hand. Maybe Kouyou knew what Dazai was trying to keep a secret?...

It was a cold night in Yokohama. The stars decorating the beautiful sky as a figure walked pass. The alley was deserted. It was dark, empty and eerie. As the figure walked into one of the alleys, he turned to have his brown eyes meet pink ones. "You actually came..." a voice cut through the silent air. The other replied "I obviously had to come! Because my dear Ane-san called me...."there was a hint of sarcasm in his tone. "Dazai, I know what you didn't want Chuuya to know..."

"Ane-san...him not knowing his past is for the better."

"But now is the time! We should tell him. Or should I say....you should tell him. We have kept this secret from when Chuuya came to port mafia until now. Shouldn't we tell him now?"

"No...keep the secret for another few years! To your grave!"

"Why do you want to keep it a secret so bad anyway?"

"Kouyou, do you really want your precious Chuuya to know he was experimented on the government for 8 goddamn years?! It will crush him. We are lucky that he had forgotten!"

"Why are you actually scared?"

"I am not scared about him knowing that he was experimented on. I am scared that he will hate me afterwards...."

"Hate you? You know Chuuya..he won't..."

"He will when he knows that the ones who experimented on him were my parents..."

Kouyou was shocked at that point. Dazai's parents were working as scientists for the government? That was new information to her. Dazai sighed. 

"Don't tell Mori though. He will come hunting for me again... My parents were smart scientists and they were living their normal lives until the government came. The government threatened them that they will kill me if they didn't work in the lab. So of course they agreed. I merely escaped death's door although. Thankfully they didn't know I had an ability. So my parents worked in the lab for 15 years. I was only a baby then. But I was allowed to stay with my parents in the lab. Stayed in there for 12 years, got taken into port mafia when I was thirteen. But for my 12 years in that hellish place, you can't even believe what they did to the children. I am honestly surprised how a handful of them still survived though after all that they went through. Chuuya was one of them. I couldn't believe when a boy named Nakahara Chuuya was right in front of me when we both first met. I contemplated for a while whether it really was him and I confirmed it when I saw the familiar hair and eye colour. I am grateful that Mori never found out about this. You only know because your doctor friend told you. Yet she is now missing. Who knows what the government did to her?"

Kouyou had so much new information flowing into her mind. The silence that filled the air was deafening. After a few minutes, Kouyou spoke up again, this time, her voice was hesitant. "Then, what happened to your parents?" Dazai glanced away before replying. "Dead. They died because they didn't want to experiment on the children there anymore. Got bullets in their head. I ran away at that time. Then port mafia took me in." Kouyou stifled a gasp as her eyes filled with comfort. Promising to keep it a secret, she continued with an encouraging tone "Chuuya won't hate you. He would probably comfort you as well. Be brave and tell him." With that she left the alley with Dazai still deciding whether or not he should do it. He left as well as he had decided on a choice that he will not regret. 

"Kouyou san. How did the meeting with Dazai go?" A familiar red-head asked politely. "Ah! Oda san! I think you should go visit Dazai to ask and comfort him as well. He probably trusts you and will tell you everything." Oda nodded and took his leave. Walking to the brunette's apartment, he knocked it 3 times before the door swung open with someone dragging him frantically inside and slamming the door shut. "Odasaku!? Why are  you here. Mori will kill you if yo-" Dazai couldn't even finish his sentence before Oda hugged him and sat them down on the couch. "So, wanna tell me what happened?" Dazai sighed and explained from the fight with Chuuya all the way until what he said to Kouyou. Oda somehow didn't look surprise though. Dazai found that suspicious and went to ask. Oda replied with a "I will tell you someday." Dazai pouted slightly as he ushered Oda out of the door. What was Oda hiding though...

As Oda left the house. He mumbled to himself " Akai and Kane, wish you well...."


A quick note from the author...

All these ideas, for the new names that you see from the fights and backstories and so on so forth, are all fake. I am not basing on the anime or manga. I still use both for other things in the story. So please do not think that all these are based on the anime or manga of Bungo Stray Dogs! You guys guess who is Akai and Kane! (You guys probably do already...) well please continued to vote and follow me!

) well please continued to vote and follow me!

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