-Chapter 29-

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As Chuuya ran out of the mafia building, he took off to Lupin bar. He was thinking since that call until now. Dazai wanted to apologise? To think that someone acted as Chuuya to break Dazai's heart made him fuming mad. He was thinking of forgiving Dazai in the first place already. He just was scared that Dazai would reject him after he apologised. Jumping from building to building, Lupin bar was in sight. Chuuya continued running as he knew Fyodor and Dazai were already ahead of him. A million thoughts came rushing into Chuuya's head as he started getting breathless. Even his ability could do that much. He could fly but that would waste too much energy. He already had a mission early that day and he took out quite a lot of enemies which resulted in him using his ability to the limit. However, the good thing was that he just needed to rest for a while before getting most of his strength back. He kept on chanting the words, 'please be safe' in his head as he finally caught up with the duo who were no currently fighting. Using his ability to slam Fyodor into a wall, he ran towards Dazai and after a long embrace, they turned to see Fyodor who pushed a button on a remote. Dazai silently cursed before taking Chuuya by the hand and dragging him away from the alley they were in. "Wait why are w-" Chuuya didn't even get to finish his sentence before Dazai started to run faster with Chuuya stumbling behind. Just at that moment, Dazai pulled Chuuya in front of him and hugged him tight and a loud explosion was heard from behind them. Fyodor bombed the alley. How crazy was that man anyway? Does he want to die with them? Coughing loudly as the smoke from the surroundings entered Chuuya's lungs. His eyes fluttered open. Just a few scratches, nothing else, he was safe. Using his gloved hand to cover his mouth and nose, he looked around for his lover and that's when he saw a figure struggling to stand a few meters away from him. Chuuya immediately got up and ran towards that figure to see that Dazai also only had a few scratches. Coughing as well, Dazai was supported by Chuuya to stand up and they succeeded. Dazai smirked as he saw the flames engulfed everything in it's path. Supporting himself with his own two legs, Dazai kissed Chuuya slightly before stepping back. "I'll explain later..." Dazai uttered loud enough for Chuuya to hear as he nodded . As both were about to leave the flaming alley which was probably burnt to crisp by now, Dazai heard a slight step and took out his gun...but he was too late. Fyodor, with a knife in his hand, was behind Chuuya as he stabbed it right into Chuuya's heart(chest).  Chuuya stood there for a few seconds as Dazai pulled the trigger, shooting Fyodor three times which killed him. Dazai ran towards Chuuya as the ginger violently started coughing out blood as he stumbled forward, falling to the ground as he tried using his hands to support himself but to no avail. Dazai caught Chuuya in time as he allowed the ginger to rest on his chest. Still coughing out blood, Chuuya started finding it hard to breathe. It was really difficult to breathe. He could feel that he could knock out any moment. Dazai held the ginger tightly as he started whispering sweet words and sad ones such as 'Please don't go...' or 'you will make it, just hang in there'. The explosion was seen by the port mafia and ADA as  both agencies rushed to the scene. Kouyou and Oda were first to rush out of the building and start the car. That was where Chuuya and Dazai were! 

Chuuya's sight was starting to turn blurry, he didn't even know that he was starting to cry. His tears threatening to fall. He managed to stutter a few words. "Dazai....L..listen. I will always forgive yo...you no matter what. I was happy that it was you...I...I.love you ...Dazai..." 

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