-Chapter 16-

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Dazai pacing up and down the hall of the infirmary. It has been 2 hours since he saw Chuuya. Yasano was doing her best to heal Chuuya. Fukuzawa informed Mori about what happened to one of his members and Mori being the person he is, was worrried. Not worried about Chuuya, worried about losing another strong port mafia member. He thanked Fukuzawa for his help reluctantly. Mori was pissed off, really pissed off. He felt as if he was getting betrayed by one of his loyal members. Not to say strongest members. If he lost Chuuya, the number of deaths in port mafia would increase rapidly. No way was Mori going to let that happen. Once Chuuya recovers and receives enough medical attention, he is taking him back to base immediately. Mori would do anything to prevent one of his executives from leaving. A bonus, a different role in port mafia, even drugs. He would do it all if necessary. When Dazai left port mafia, he took extra precautions. He checked on his strong members more frequently, he couldn't risk losing another one. Sighing, Mori tried to calm himself down as he leaned back on his chair. 

At Fyodor's base—-

"Aren't you a fast one? Too bad, being fast makes you more vulnerable..." Kouyou slashed at Mika who already had three deep cuts. Two on her right hand and one at the side of her stomach. Her breaths were staggering as she tried her best to balance herself. She knew she was losing already. She was no match to the woman in front of her. 

Mika Ito

15 years old


Gift: Can levitate objects such as knives and katanas only. 

History: Was once a orphan, joined an assassination gang, left after working there for 3 years. Afterwards what happen is unknown...

It was obvious Mika's movements were slowing down. She was losing a lot of blood from the three deep cuts. However, Kouyou and golden demon wasn't slowing down for Mika to catch up. Kouyou was determined to finish her off for lesser complications in the future. For now, Mika was trying to run away for now, she didn't want to die. But, it was nearly impossible because the only exit door was behind Kouyou and she had to get there while defending herself. Kouyou knew Mika was trying to escape and that's why she was slashing faster and faster so as to not let Mika have any slim chance of escaping. Mika obviously sensed that after a while and kept on observing her surroundings. She obviously couldn't hold up any longer...just then she saw it, there was Low chance of escaping but it still had that slim chance. She could get Kouyou to slash at her on her right and take that chance to go over Kouyou and run away. Worth a try. So Mika did just that, went to her right, where Kouyou followed and slashed at her right as well and just at that moment, Mika quickly jumped over Kouyou and golden demon and ran for the exit. Kouyou wasn't surprised although.. she turned around gracefully and looked at the frantic Mika who was running for her life. Mika was using all her might to at least get out of the base.  She was so close to leaving through the big doors but when she was about to take the final step out, BOOM! A bullet went through her. Kouyou behind Mika was holding a gun. Kouyou always brought an extra gun for emergencies and it did the trick. Mika was utterly shocked. She fell to the ground, blood flowing and staining the black floor. "Guess I'm dying after all...." Mika managed to mumble before dying. Kouyou looked unfazed. She was used to this kind of stuff happening, she was from port mafia after all. When Kouyou was about to check on Dazai about Chuuya, she heard a few gun shots and Atsushi screaming Kyouka's name. Kouyou immediately regained her composure and rushed up to the 3rd level. When she reached, she saw Fyodor holding a gun with a shaking hand while Atsushi was holding Kyouka who got shot by the bullet at her stomach. Kunikida was frozen to the spot seeing Kyouka get shot. Kyouka was on the floor while panting, she was in a lot of pain. Tanizaki who managed to use his ability came up close to Fyodor holding a pocket knife and tried slashing Fyodor's neck and he did but only grazed his neck. Blood seeped out from the new wound but Fyodor was still calm. Kouyou immediately rushed to Kyoukaks side and checked her pulse which was still fine. Kouyou needed to get that bullet out of Kyouka's stomach before it gets infected. She told Atsushi to go back to ADA first and get Kyouka's wound treated. Atsushi was hesitant but after looking at Kouyou's concerned look, he grabbed Kyouka and left quickly. Just then, Fyodor laughed out loud and everyone saw him jump off from a window. Kouyou rushed to the window to she that he was gone...Kouyou muttered curse words under her breath. Now, she only hoped that Chuuya and Kyouka were going to be alright...

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