-Chapter 15-

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Surprisingly, all the ADA members were all there. They took half of their day off and went back to the office to hang out. They were all enjoying themselves while chatting to each other until a slam was heard from the door. Dazai stormed in with his head down. Kunikida was going to be first to criticise him but after feeling Dazai's dark aura around him, he kept silent but talked after a while. "Dazai...why are you here?" Dazai looked up slightly and showed his eyes which was dead serious. All were taken aback except Kunikida who experienced it before. They never saw Dazai this serious and deadly before. That's the youngest and most feared mafia executive for you. However, all the ADA members still did not know that yet except for Rampo who was keeping quiet. Atsushi speaked up "Dazai-san...do you need help with anything?...."Dazai looked up at everyone fully and explAined what happened and asked for help. Yosano gasped "That's terrible. Of course we will help! Right guys?" She turned to look at everybody else who had determined looks on their faces and nodded. Dazai smiled and thanked them profusely. "Wait...can we go to port mafia first?" Dazai asked with a still serious tone. All the ADA members looked at each other and gave each other a weird and curious look.


After some searching again, they found out Fyodor's base. No one knew what his gift was though. After preparing, they set off to save Chuuya. Getting Chuuya was their primary goal while getting information was their secondary goal. ADA president, Fukuzawa, looked after the office while guiding the other members with a camera on some of the member's clothes. Everything was going good as Kunikida and Kenji were first to crush the door (literally) and get in. Fyodor and Chuuya were no where at sight. Looking around and observing the whole abandoned building crook and corner, Dazai walked signalled for the ADA members to find Fyodor and told the woman bedside him "Ane-san, Chuuya is in that room..." he said while pointing towards a wall. Kouyou stared The wall and realised what Dazai was allying about. Using her ability, Golden Demon, she slashed at the wall and sure enough, there was a door underneath the wall. What a place to hide your victim. Dazai thought. When Kouyou was about to follow Dazai behind and go into the room, Dazai senesced something and pushed Kouyou to the side gently. Just at the place where Kouyou was standing at, came about 5 bullets and a flying katana. It pierced the door but a black glow surrounded the katana and it floated in the air and flew back towards the darkness of the room there were in. However, a figure emerged from the darkness soon and a girl with purplish red hair came out. Tow floating katana's by her side. She laughed evilly and boasted "Weaklings! You were just lucky that time!" She was wearing a black shirt with a gold chain around he neck. With torn blackish grey pants, she stepped forward and Dazai and Kouyou could clearly see her psychotic eyes. "Names Mika! Be ready to die....don't worry, it will be a fast death for the both of you...." The girl she claimed while pulling out a gun and shooting three more bullets. Golden demon blocked the bullets from reaching Dazai and Kouyou and Kouyou sprung into action. "Was a good choice to bring along Ane-san..." Dazai mumbled while turning around reaching his hand to the door knob. 


"Wait can we go to the port mafia first?" Dazai asked with his still serious tone. All the ADA members looked at each other giving a weird but curious look. However, they just nodded and followed Dazai. Dazai and the rest reached port mafia's base well, their back door actually....Dazai took a deep breath and knocked on the door in a rhythmic manner. Knock ....knock knock....knock..knock...and with those few knocks, the door creaked open to reveal Kouyou there. She held her katana on Dazai's neck. Dazai then explained Kouyou and she almost dropped her own Katana. She nodded silently and agreed to help. "Anything for Chuuya..." she uttered and followed the ADA members.


Dazai opened the door slowly and looked inside. His eyes widened as he went into the room quickly to Chuuya's side. Chuuya had both his hands chained above his head and had blood coming out of his mouth. Probably he spat out blood after getting punched. Chuuya's hair was now messy and was stained with blood. His eyes were dull. Dull light blue. Terrifying indeed. Small bottles on the floor we're toppled over. Dazai picked up one of them to drop it back down on the floor. As the bottle rolled on the floor, the words on the bottle could be seen clearly. Dazai covered his mouth shocked. It shouldn't be possible. No one could have made that! The words were....

'Gift cancelling serum. Gift will come back after 3 hours...'This serum never existed in the first place. Did Fyodor make it? Dazai was beyond shocked. The power Fyodor had was scary. He could kidnap anyone easily with this serum. No wonder Chuuya got kidnapped without any struggle...he couldn't use his gift... Dazai went forward to Chuuya and lifted his head up. Seeing Chuuya's dull eyes made Dazai sigh but put two finger onto Chuuya's neck to check his pulse. It was slow....very slow...He was going to die! What did Fyodor do?! Dazai thought to himself while  trying to unlock the chains which he succeeded in after 5 seconds with fiddling with the lock. Carrying Chuuya on his back, Dazai walked by the back door and left towards the car where Naomi and Rampo were in. Upon seeing the duo coming towards them, Naomi and Rampo got to their seats and drove all four of them to Yasano who was at the ADA infirmary. Chuuya please hang in there. You can't leave me like I left you....Dazai kept on thinking to himself while holding Chuuya's hand which was freezing cold right now.

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