-Chapter 22-

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When Dazai, Oda , Ango and his surbodinates finally caught up with Chuuya and Fyodor, they saw Fyodor relentlessly aiming at Chuuya with a gun. Gun shots were heard as Chuuya chuckled slightly. Why did so many people keep on forgetting, guns don't work on him. He can just send the bullets back at them and kill them instantly. However, Chuuya was careful this time. He knew well that one touch from Fyodor can burst you brains out and kill you. But...Chuuya was contemplating whether Fyodor will kill him, he wanted him to be his body guard after all...Well, shouldn't take the risk anyway. Standing upside down on the ceiling, he saw Fyodor shooting more bullets at him. Stopping them in the middle of the air, Chuuya sent them back to Fyodor who used a table to block the bullets. He needed a plan fast or he may really die. Grunting in frustration, he glared at Dazai who was staring amusing at him dying. That's when something hit him, he still had the gift cancelling serum with him, in the syringe as well. All he needed was for him to lure Chuuya in and insert the gift cancelling serum into his neck and his ability will be gone and may knock him out as well. The hard part was that if it didn't knock Chuuya out, he will still beat Fyodor because he has martial arts....well, worth the risk. He wasn't going to kill Chuuya that easily anyway. He still needed Chuuya and Dazai.

Chuuya saw Fyodor throw his gun to the side and announce rather proudly. "Chuuya....come fight me fist to fist..."

"Like shit! You can kill someone with just a touch...."

"Hm....then you won't mind if I kill your boyfriend there right" Fyodor retorted getting nervous whether his plan will work. He pointed to Dazai who was confused because he couldn't hear a thing they were saying. Chuuya's eyes widened a bit but he regained his composure as he said confidently "But you need him right? To make your serum." 

"That's true! However, I can kill him and extract his blood..."

"Your shitty bastard." However, Chuuya still didn't move an inch. Fyodor shrugged and started walking towards Dazai. Oda raised his gun and aimed at Fyodor ready to shoot if needed, however, he was shaking. He didn't kill anyone even if he needed to. Dazai noticed that and lowered Oda's gun reassuring him. Fyodor continued walking, Ango was still thinking whether he should shoot or not. However, Fyodor stopped midway in his tracks with his hand behind his back. Chuuya saw it and warned "Dazai! Run!" Dazai looked at Chuuya but it was too late. Fyodor threw a circular object at them. It was a smoke bomb! Smoke engulfed the whole room they were in as all of them covered their nose and mouth to prevent the smoke from entering their body and started coughing. Everyone heard a grunt and a thud and then another thud. Unfortunately, no one could see anything. When the smoke started slowly disappearing, they saw Fyodor holding a knife up Dazai's neck. No one could do anything. If they shoot, they may accidentally shoot Dazai, use their ability, it may hit Dazai. Move any further, Dazai's neck will be slit open. What were they going to do?

Chuuya stepped back to the ground in front of Fyodor and Dazai. The knife was piercing Dazai's skin ever so slightly where everyone could see blood trickling down his neck and dropped to the floor, staining the grey floor. Dazai held his breath and Chuuya gulped down hard. "So, Chuuya, what's your choice. Come to me or this bastard here dies..."Fyodor's tone became colder than before. Dazai gave Chuuya a look to run however, Chuuya was rooted to the ground. He was in a real freaking dilemma right now! Every second ticked by as Fyodor brought the knife closer to Dazai's neck, Dazai whimpered in pain as the cut got deeeper. Ango gestured for his surbodinates to raise their guns. Chuuya took heavy steps towards Fyodor, cold sweat trickling down his forehead. Fyodor smirked as he let Dazai go. Dazai grabbed his neck as his breathing was faster than normal. Blood started flowing out of the cut on his neck. Fyodor yanked Chuuya by his arm and in one swift moment, Chuuya couldn't react in time, he felt a needle being jabbed into his neck as he wavered. He managed to snatch his arm back and kick Fyodor roughly as Fyodor crashed down onto the floor. But in a few seconds, he fell as blackness enveloped him. Dazai caught Chuuya before his head hit the ground. Blood stained his bandages on his neck as his breathing was still fast, it wasn't slowing down. Fyodor was beyond frustrated as he kicked Dazai in the stomach and took his gun up and pointed it at the duo. One on the floor unconscious and the other clutching his stomach as he doubled over and fell onto the floor and coughed out blood because of the sudden hard kick. Oda was first to react and shouted "Dazai! You okay? Fyodor, you better not kill them..."  Fyodor snapped a retort "Move an inch and I will kill them..." with that a hole suddenly appeared on the ground and  it cracked before it crashed down as the three of them fell down to the lower level. Ango and Oda rushed over to see that the three were......

Missing and no where to be seen....

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