her and the moon.

167 9 1

tw: getting high, mention of blood, torture, child abuse and beig disowned


The party was in full swing, Esme had dragged Cassie to a circle where people were sitting. it consisted of Remus, Sirius, James, Peter, Marlene, Dorcas, Lily, Mary, Preston, Evan, Emmiline, and now joined by Cassie and Esme

"We really don't know what they are playing Esme" Cassie said while taking a seat next to the blonde and glanced at her every now and then

"Are you afraid of a little game of spin the bottle?" Esme asked her with a raised brow

"Except it is not spin the bottle, it's seven minutes in heaven" Marlene was quick to respond, she was fairly close to Esme but she only knew Cassie by her name

"Oh that's even better" Esme said with a smirk while her fingers ran through her elegant curls, she looked effortlessly beautiful

"What's seven minuts in heaven?" Cassie asked while she looked between the two girls

"Basically you spin the bottle that's in the middle of the table, whoever it lands on you have to spend 7 minutes in a dark small closet and it usually ends up in a heated make out session if you got lucky, but we are in the middle of nowhere so luke had a tent" Esme explained to her as they started to take turns to spin the bottle

"I say we let the newbie try to spin it now" James said with a smirk while handing Cassie the bottle

Cassie watched them before she took the bottle from james and spun it on the table, it seems like it was spinning forever, suddenly everyone went quite while Sirius walked away in annoyance followed by Remus, she didn't really understand why until she looked up at who the bottle landed on, it was on James whom he had an irritation look on his face as if he was hoping it would land on someone else

James stood up while he took a funny looking cigarette and looked at her "come on it's that way" he said while he walked to the tent and unzipped the door before he got inside and sat down on the ground

Cassie looked confused before she followed him and got in the tent after him and sat down across from him "it's only seven minutes it will pass in a blink of an eye" she said while she tucked her curls behind her ear

"Time would go incredibly slow when you're being with someone you don't like" James pointed out while he lit up his blunt

"Your cigarette looks funny" Cassie said while pointing at it

"It is not a cigarette this is a blunt" James replied while he took a whiff, letting the smoke settle in his lungs before he blew the smoke out

"A blunt? Cassie asked, confused, she had never heard of it, was it a type of cigarette?

"It's weed, you get high by smoking it. You have never tried it?" James asks her with a raised brow.

"No I have never tried it before," Cassie said while shaking her head "I was just too scared, I didn't know what will happen if I smoked it." She added.

"Nothing bad will happen, you'll just feel happier, you'll forget about everything that's worrying you." James told her while he took another whiff "You want to try?"

Cassie shook her head. "No, I'd rather not feel anything temporarily. If I wanted to feel something, I'd want it to be real and I'd want it to last."

James scoffed "I didn't say you wanted to feel anything temporarily. Everyone is capable of feeling, but most don't know how to show it." He said

"Meaning?" Cassie asked him with a raised brow.

"Nothing, just forget it." James said simply, avoiding the question.

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