secret meeting.

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tw: mentions of kidnapping, killing and torture. minor mention of child neglect if you blink you'll miss it.


Hours had turned into days, days had turned into weeks. Cassie hadn't attended a single tutor session since the incident that took place in the school courtyard. Rumors had spread about the Slytherin friends group.

Pembroke Mulciber, Severus Snape and Wills Avery were proud to be called Death Eaters, as for the rest they didn't have any choice. Hate was spread around easily, the tension was high inside Hogwarts' walls, Pure-Bloods took advantage of that power and abused it.

More disappearences happened on the daily, more dead bodies found. the dark lord was on a power high, his plan already set into motion. There was now a reward for any information on the Death Eaters.

Cassie was on her way to the Great Hall when she saw a group of people she didn't expect to see-the Minister of Magic, Harold as they held an eye contact for about three seconds, and some other people from the Ministry she doesn't remember their names but she had seen them before in the papers.

One face she did recognize and knew well, Lucius Malfoy; Narcissa's husband. She had always hated him, she doesn't tolerate him. Lucius was the type of a guy you'd meet once and hate immediately, his personality was horrible and he was rude to everyone.

Cassie looked away from him and headed to the Slytherin table where she met her friends. Of course no one had mentioned what had happened between her and James so she kept it that way. She sat herself down before she looked at them.

"What's the deal with the Ministry here? Did someone from the school go missing?" Cassie asked, unable to help but think of the worse; after all it was a scary time for everyone.

"We have no idea, I think we'll find out sooner or later." Evan said before he glanced at the Great Hall door.

"My dad's with them, I think they're here to talk about the disappearances and tell us to not be worried. Which is bullshit, everyone's on edge," Barty rolled his eyes at the thought of his dad being there. His relationship with his dad was always complicated, his dad somehow had always found a way to be disappointed in Barty no matter what he did, so eventually he stopped trying to please him.

Cassie looked at the pair before she sighed. "I guess Snape and his friends are bragging about it though," she said while pointing at him and his group who were smirking and snickering.

"I'm surprised he's acting like that, giving his ex best friend is a Muggle-Born," Regulus chipped in while he took a sip of his hot black coffee.

"Yeah but they don't talk, Lily doesn't care about him now after what happened at the end of last year. I don't blame her, she stood up for herself." Cassie pointed out before she took a piece of toast and spread some chocolate on it.

"What did i miss?" Esme asked while she took a seat next to Cassie and stole the sandwich she was making; taking a bite of it, causing Cassie to groan.

Barty raised a brow while he looked at the redhead, "and where were you?" He asked her, it was unusual for Esme to be late.

"I was just talking with Sirius, apparently there's a party tonight to cheer everyone up and I'm invited," Esme said and looked at them one by one.

"Oh I'm sure you're the only one invited out of the five of us." Cassie said and rolled her eyes "We don't want to be invited anyways, we have far more important things to do. Like worry about why the Minister is here."

"The Minister is here? What is he doing and what does he want? If he wants to talk to Dumbledore we know he'd send him an owl and not come here personally." Esme stated in a shocked tone.

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