The Full Moon

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tw: mention of blood, if there's more let me know!
also sorry for the long update i had few things at hand i hope you guys enjoy this chapter though <3
feedbacks are encouraged though! please let me know what you guys think and thank you so much for the 1k reads! <3


the library was filled with students studying since it was the weekend, mostly with 5th year studens or the 7th; since they had OWLs and NEWTs exams which were very hard. to Cassie's luck she had finished her OWLs with good grades, except for the transfiguration class which she had figured out.

Her grades even got her to be the Slytherin prefect alongside Evan, she got O's in potions, charms and herbology. E in defence against the dark arts and A in transfiguration

her family were somehow satisfied, they did push her to be better so they can brag about how well educated their children are. They hated the fact that even after Sirius being disowned, he got all O's and E's. they hated seeing him doing better without them, even though they disowned him; but they still look after his grades just to compare them both.


"so Black, what do you want to do after graduating?" Slughorn asked, like he asks all of his 5th year students so he can guide them which what classes they can take.

"I…" Cassie thought, she wasn't expected to do anything. she was expected to be a housewife like her mother had told her several times, the thought of being a housewife scared Cassie, surely she wasn't on this earth to only be a housewife right?

"i have to tell you, you Blacks are wonderful students, very good student. well behaved, good grades, i didn't expect anything less from you or your brothers. of course I'm not Sirius' head professor but still he's a good student nonetheless" Slughorn added with a warm smile.

"although, your cousins Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa were amazing as well. all head girls, all good grades, I'm really glad i got to teach every single member of your family. how's Andromeda doing?" he asked her.

Cassie gulped—she hasn't heard that name in so long, she wasn't really allowed to talk about her, she was supposed to hate her and forget about her like every member of the family did. of course the news shocked the family when they all found out she married a muggleborn, her mother threw a tantrum while her father erased her from their lives as if she never existed.

"professor, we are here to talk about which classes I'm supposed to take" Cassie said to dodge the question, it's not like she was going to answer it.

"Oh yeah that's right, you haven't answer me dear, what is it that you want to do?" he asked her again.

"Well I like potions, alot" Cassie said with a smile at the thought of maybe being a potions professor.

"ah so you want to take my position?" Slughorn asked her jokingly "have you considered being a potioneer?" he asked.

Cassie let out a faint chuckle "no never professor i could never be as great as you" she told him "a potioneer?" she asked.

"yes a potioneer is a person who invents potions" Slughorn said as he reached for his desk drawer and pulled out a book and handed it to her.

Cassie took it from him and looked at it, as he mentioned being a potioneer she felt like it lighted something inside of her "if i decide to be a potioneer, which classes i should take?" she asked

"to start off it's potions of course, then herbology, defence against the dark art, charms and transfiguration of course. and i know you're good in all of them"

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