the rise of voldemort.

104 6 2

tw: mention of kidnapping, death and bad family upbringing

Cassie had always received dirty looks simply for being a Black, and she didn't blame them, she couldn't blame them. Cassie was well aware that her family had done horrible, awful things. She wasn't unaccustomed to the glares she'd receive but today as she walked into the Great Hall with Esme, Regulus, Evan, and Barty, the looks she and Regulus had received were of a much more intense nature.

She was baffled. Students avoided not only her and Regulus, but their friends as well when they made their way to the Great Hall. The rest of the friend group had caught on and soon they too were uncomfortable.

They sat in their usual spot at the Slytherin table. The Great Hall that once used to be loud with cheers and talking from students-whether it was the talk about the upcoming quidditch game or their grades-was quieter than usual. Cassie swears if a pin were to be dropped she would hear it. She would hear it and be able to pin point to the exact location the thin metal hit the floor.

Barty was quick to notice that a copy of the Daily Prophet Paper was being passed around, so he hastily snatched one from a student and put it down in the middle of the group for everyone to read.

'Early this morning, two bodies were found dead in Manchester. The Muggle's own police squads were involved, however they haven't found the cause of death yet because there were no signs of struggle or any wounds. We know these crimes belong to none other than The Dark Lord and his followers-the Deatheaters. Following these murders, there have been reports of missing people-all of who consist of Muggle-Borns and Muggles themselves. Leading suspects are: Bellatrix Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Walden Macnair, Thorfinn Rowle and others. These people are considered to be dangerous and if anyone were to see them, PLEASE CONTACT THE AURORS.'

Cassie read the article over and over again. Her cousin Bella was one of them, every name that was listed was somehow related to them in a way or another. It terrified her that now, The Dark Lord had begun his moves against the Muggle world.

Muggle-Borns were panicking. They were avoiding any suspected to be involved with The Dark Lord, mostly Pure-Bloods and mostly Slytherins. Muggle-Borns and Half-Blood filled with anxiety, turning to their friends in hopes of finding the calm within the storm. Cassie remains still. She had no right to panic, after all she is a Pure-Blood. She has a special privilege of remaining safe and she's never felt the fear and panic that courses through her peer's bodies. Cassie doesn't have to worry, she'll remain unharmed and because she's a Pure-Blood she's already on The Dark Lord's side; whether she wants to be or not.

The friend group remained awfully quiet as breakfast went on. A few words were passed here and there but like the rest of the students, they didn't talk much.

"Black! Black!" A voice shouted from Cassie's pocket, causing her friends to look at her in confusion. She was puzzled by the voice as well, as she forgot about the whole mirror James had given her.

It clicked with her after a while and she took it out immediately and hid it under the table so she could talk. "Yes?" She asked into the mirror.

"Library in five minutes." James said from his side of the table, he didn't even have to hide the fact he was talking to her.

Cassie nodded, "alright, I'll be there." She said, checking the time so she wouldn't be late and putting the mirror back in her pocket.

Her friends kept looking at her, questioning what it was and how it got there. Of course they knew about James giving her lessons, but they didn't know anything about any mirror.

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