The Beginning

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"That's right, folks!" shouted Jameson, over the billboard. "Spider-Man is in fact Peter Parker! A sixteen year old responsible for the murder of Mysterio!"

At that moment, a group of people started to swarm Dani.

"Oh, my gosh! You're Dani from Cimorelli! You're Dani Cimorelli!" said one of them.

"Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?" asked another, which got Peter's attention. "Are you Spider-Man's girlfriend?"

Peter dropped down and guarded his girl.

"Please don't touch her," he said.

"You're just a kid?!"

"You murdered Mysterio?!"

"Uh..." stuttered Peter, before grabbing Dani and running away with her.

"Where you going?!" asked a lady, who grabbed Spider-Man's arm.

Peter pulled his arm out of the woman's grasp and grabbed onto Dani.

"He hit me!" shouted the lady. "Spider-Man hit me!"

When Peter and Dani were a few inches off of the ground, a man grabbed him by the legs, but fell off once they started moving. Luckily, he only fell a few feet.


"Now, you may call him 'Spider-Man,' but you know what I call him?! 'PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE!'" shouted Jameson, from the billboard, as Peter swung away, with Dani holding onto him.

"Now, you may call him 'Spider-Man,' but you know what I call him?! 'PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE!'" shouted Jameson, from the billboard, as Peter swung away, with Dani holding onto him

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"AAH, I said I never wanted to do this ever again!" cried a scared Dani, who was covering her boyfriend's view with her hand.

"Dani, I'm really sorry, but I can't see anything with your hand in the way!"

"Oh, ok! Sorry, sorry!" she panted. "So, where should we go?!"

"I don't know!" said Peter. "Your place?!"

"No, your place!" said Dani.



Landing on top of a support beam that a crane was holding, Peter let Dani stand up for a few seconds, so he could grab his ringing phone. Seeing it was a FaceTime call from Ned, he answered it.







"DUDE!" shouted Dani, trying not to look down.

Immediately ending the call, Peter ran over to his terrified girlfriend.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" he panted. "Are you ok?"

"Not really!"

As they looked around, they could see balconies of multiple nearby apartment buildings. Those balconies were filled with people, who were shouting at Spider-Man.




As if that wasn't bad enough, there was a tram going by filled with passengers, who were shouting the same things.

"We should go!" said Dani, trying to put on a brave face. "You should swing me!"

"But I thought you said you never wanted to-"


"Ok!" said Peter, before jumping off with Dani in his arms.. "I'm really sorry!"

As they dove down, Dani screamed in terror, once more.


Meanwhile, Flash was walking home from a tennis match, when he pulled up Instagram on his phone. His whole feed was filled with the picture that was seen on the billboard in Times Square.

"No!" he cried. "...I've been bullying Spider-Man?!"


In the Davis household, Brad was watching the news in the living room. His blood boiled once saw the image.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" he shouted, flipping over the glass coffee table in front of him, shattering it. "SHE'S DATING A MURDERER?!"


Once they arrived outside of Peter's bedroom window, Dani climbed onto the fire escape and opened it up, pulling Peter inside.


Meanwhile, inside of the Parker residence, Happy was standing outside of the front door, with tears in his eyes, as he talked to May.

"I just feel so dumb, I didn't know-"

"I mean, we had fun!" May smiled, reassuringly. "I- it was a fling!... and we flung!"

"Yeah," sniffled Happy. "I could've been more fun, I can be fun-"

Just then, they heard a loud clanging sound coming from Peter's room.

"What was that?" asked May. "Happy, go check it out."

"Ok," said Happy, before walking to Peter's bedroom door. "Peter? You ok?"

Through the door, he could hear the voices of Peter and Dani.

"I don't know what to do!"

"Where does it go?" asked Dani.

When he opened the door, he saw Dani Cimorelli standing in front of Peter Parker, who was only in his boxers.

"Oh, my gosh!" cringed Happy, putting a hand over his eyes.

"Happy, this isn't what it looks like, man!" cried Peter, as Dani handed him a shirt and pants. "Thanks, babe."

"You're welcome," she said, nervously.

"JUST PRACTICE SAFE SEX!" a distraught May shouted, on the verge of traumatizing tears. "Oh, hey! Dani, I didn't expect you to-"

At that moment, a news helicopter flew up outside of Peter's room. When May and Happy turned to face Peter, it was almost like their eyes were piercing right through his skull.

"...I can explain," he smiled, awkwardly.

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