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Before hitting the road, May grabbed some clothes and told Peter to put them on, while she cleaned hit suit.


After bringing Peter and Norman to the Sanctum, May was about to drive off, when Peter stopped her.

"May?... Thanks for talking some sense into me."

"You're welcome, honey," she smiled. "Love you."

"Love you, too," smiled Peter. "Also, thanks for cleaning my suit."

May smiled, once more, then drove back to work.


When they got inside, Peter walked Norman over to his friends.

"Mr. Osborn-"

"It's 'Dr.,' actually."

"Oh, sorry!" apologized Peter. "Mr. Osborn, this is my girlfriend, Dani. These are my friends, Ned and MJ. Guys, this is Dr. Norman Osborn."

"A- as in 'Mary Jane?'" asked Norman.

"It's Michelle Jones, actually," said a nervous MJ.

"...Fascinating!" whispered Norman, before walking around and observing the strange place. 

Ned pulled Peter and his friends aside, to ask him a question.

"Do you think there are other Ned Leeds-es, out there?" he asked, with an agape jaw. "If there are other Neds out there, I wonder what they're like..."

"I- I don't know, man-" said Peter, before Ned cut him off.

"What if there's one where, like, we don't even live in the same neighborhood or, like, the same state. Like... that Ned's in Nebraska and..."

Ned stopped and slowly looked up, making eye contact with his best friend.

Ned stopped and slowly looked up, making eye contact with his best friend

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"...What if we were meant to be together?... Like, in an alternate universe?" he whispered, dramatically.

The group of friends just stood there for a few seconds, before bursting out laughing.


Meanwhile, Norman was still looking around. He was amazed at every single detail, in the room he was in. He stopped cold in his tracks, however, once he saw a familiar face.

"Octavius?" he asked, before walking over to his former colleague.


Peter saw this, and he and his friends went over to make sure nothing bad happened.


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