"Hello, Peter"

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When he arrived at the bridge, Peter saw the head of admissions' car. Before he could convince her that he was innocent, however, the sixth sense went off in his head. Looking down to the bridge, he saw people getting out of their cars and running away from something. That something was a man, with four mechanical arms attached to his back. He was throwing the vacated cars like they were baseballs, when he stopped and saw Spider-Man.

 He was throwing the vacated cars like they were baseballs, when he stopped and saw Spider-Man

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The man was Doctor Otto Octavius. A brilliant scientist from another world, but in an accident during a presentation involving his arms, the neural interface that was attached to his neck was fused to his skin, affecting his brain, creating the persona of Doctor Octopus.

"Hi?" waved a confused web-head. "Do we- Do I know you?"

"What have you done with my machine?!" asked Doc Ock.

"You mach- I don't know what you're talking about! I don't- What machine?"

"The power of the sun, in the palm of my hand... it's gone!"

"Listen, sir. If you stop smashing cars, we could work together and I could help your find your machine!"

"You wanna play games?" asked the villain, before using one of his arms to pick up an empty car. "CATCH!"

Peter dodged the car and many more that followed. 

"You think your fancy new suit's gonna save you?!" called Doctor Octopus.

Unfortunately, when he was mid-air during a dodge, Octavius swiped the hero into the side of a mail van, with one of his arms.

"Should've killed your little girlfriend, when I had the chance!" taunted Octavius.

Just then, the arms of the Iron Spider suit bursted right through the roof of the mail van and out emerged an angry Spider-Man.

Just then, the arms of the Iron Spider suit bursted right through the roof of the mail van and out emerged an angry Spider-Man

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