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Peter landed in front the F.E.A.S.T. Center and ran right inside.


Ripping off his mask, Peter ran through the sea of people.

"WHERE'S MAY?!" he asked, before a woman pointed to the kitchen.


"MAY!" called Peter, once he was inside of the kitchen. 

May was sitting with a middle aged man. This couldn't be possible. The man front of his eyes couldn't be the Green Goblin, could he?"

"Norman, this is my nephew, Peter," May told him, gesturing to Peter.

"Hi, Peter..." smiled Norman, weakly. "It's nice to meet you, son..."

"Nice to meet you, too..."

"Tell him what you told me," said May.

Norman swallowed the lump in his throat and started talking.

"I- I don't know where to start. I... I saw Spider-Man in an ad for this place and I thought he could help me..."

"So, you want Spider-Man's help?" asked Peter.

"He just wandered in," May told her nephew, sympathetically.

"I didn't know where else to go..." a choked up Norman continued. "...Someone's living in my house... Oscorp doesn't exist... my son, Harr-" 

Norman sniffled, then picked up where he left off.

"Sometimes... I'm not myself... I wish he wouldn't take control, but every time I try to fight it, I lose."

"Norman, who 'takes control?'" asked May, cautiously.

"I- It's hard to explain... it's... he's... it's this ferocious demon, who lives in my head... sometimes, I can still hear him laughing."

May comforted the distraught man, before getting up and walking over to Peter.

"He's lost," she told her nephew. "And I don't mean just in the cosmos. I mean, in his mind... Are they all like this?"

"Yeah..." responded Peter.

"Really?" she whispered. "How many are there?"

"Counting him? Six..." sighed Peter. "...There's a lizard-man, an octopus-man, an electric-man, a rhinoceros-man, a sand-man, and now, there's this... really old man."

"I'm fifty-two... That's not old, is it?"

"Please excuse my nephew, Dr. Osborn," smiled May. "He's gen-z."

"Don't apologize, please," said Norman, before seeing a box of Krispy-Kreme donuts. "Um... do you mind?"

"Take as many as you'd like, please!" May told him.

"Thank you, May. God bless you," responded the man, with a mouthful of donuts.

May gave him a thumbs up, before turning back to Peter.

"Peter, you need to help these people... you can change their fates, make them human again."

"May, I can't. Strange and I are gonna send them back home. This isn't my problem."

"Peter..." said a disappointed May. "Not your problem?... Hmm?... Do you even remember what Ben told you?"

Peter felt the tears start to brim in his eyes.

"...Yeah, o- of course. Of course, I do-"

"Then, do what needs to be done."

May walked over to Norman, to ask him if he wanted any water or more food, leaving Peter standing there, contemplating what his choices were. Peter realized his aunt was right. He had a moral responsibility to help these poor souls.

Spider-Man: No Way Home... With CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now