"So, did you see that coming or-"

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Dani, MJ, and Ned were at Ned's Lola's house. As soon as they sat down, the doorbell rang. Lola answered the door and the rest of the Cimorelli sisters were at the door. 

"Lola, you can let them in! They're friends!" Ned told her.

Once the other girls walked into the living room, Christina ran forward and made a b-line for Ned.

"Hey, Christina. What's going on?" he asked.

"Just shut up!" she panted, before fiercely smashing her lips against his.

Ned was shocked, obviously, but kissed back. Once they pulled away, Ned and Christina looked at each other, smiling, as they tried to catch their breath.

"Ok, uh... not that I'm complaining, but... what was that for?" asked Ned.

"I love you..." said Christina, honestly. "I always have. I just... I didn't realize it, until this morning."

Ned looked at the girl he loved and smiled at her.

"...I love you, too, Christina..."

The new couple kissed again. Dani watched in shock, maybe a bit of horror, before pulling Lauren to the side.

"So, did you see that coming or..."

"Nope," said Lauren.

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