"Well played, Osborn... well played, indeed"

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Once they were in the elevator on their way up to Happy's penthouse, Otto looked at Norman.

"You know, sometimes I look at you and I think you're the dumbest thing that ever existed..." Octavius told him. "Dumber than a bag of chips-" 

"That's not even nice," Peter said to Otto.

Otto didn't pay any notice to Peter, he just kept talking to Norman.

 "Dumber than dumb, dumber than the 2003 Ang Lee Hulk movie, dumber than the time that George Clooney played Batman, dumber than-" 

"That may be so..." said Norman, smugly, cutting him off. "But at least, I'm not going bald, Otto." 

Otto stopped talking and cleared his throat.

"Well played, Osborn... well played, indeed." 

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