"I got my body back!"

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Behind Spider-Man was a body being formed out of electricity. Once the body was formed, it started to glow blue, then it changed to yellow. Firing a big blast of yellow electricity at the web-head, Peter would've been too late to have noticed it and dodged out of the way, if it wasn't for a big wall made out of sand, that shielded him.

"Peter!" called the sand wall. "It's me! Flint Marko! Remember?!"

"Uh, I- I'm Peter Parker, but I'm not your Peter Parker!"

"What do you mean, you're not my Peter?" asked the wall. "What's going on here?!"

"There's no time to explain right now!" called Peter. "Look, can you help me stop him?!"

"Sure, then you explain what the hell's going on!"

"Hey, watch the language, buddy. I'm a family-friendly superhero."

"Huh, you sound like my Peter," remarked the sand wall. "Alright, let's go! Take down the telephone poles! He's absorbing their energy!"

"Got it!" nodded Peter.

And with that, Peter and his new ally started to work together, in order to take down the electric man. After pulling down all of the telephone poles, Spider-Man landed back down on the ground and ripped of his mask. 

"Whoa!" gasped the sand wall, who was now a sandman. "Yeah, you're definitely not my Peter."

"Wait!" cried Peter, looking at the electric man. "Look!"

Sandman looked over and watched with this world's Peter Parker, as the electricity started to form into an actual human-looking, adult man.

"I got my body back!" chuckled the man, as he looked at his hands "...Man... shit's crazy... Where am I?"

"Look!" said Peter. "It's actually my fault that you're here, both of you."

"Like, you mean a different dimension?... or the woods?... Man, I hate the woods."

"No, not the woods! I'm saying, you're on a different world!"

The man just went wide-eyed. 

"Damn... this would make one hell of an Instagram post..." he sighed, before looking at Peter and Sandman. "So, we just gonna stand here and pretend like I'm not butt-ass naked?"

Spider-Man: No Way Home... With CimorelliWhere stories live. Discover now