648 11 10

March 22nd, 1978


6th period had begun as... the bell rang. This class I was by myself. As I did my work I heard people "whispering" about me. I looked up to see that it was Lindsey and her other annoying friends. They pointed at me and laughed. I just rolled my eyes and continued my work.

I felt a presence approaching me so I looked again to see Lindsey hold a bottle of water. She pretended to slip and threw the water over me. "What the hell!" I stood up quickly. "Oops, I slipped!" She acted innocent. "Stop acting innocent! You know what you were doing!"

"Do I know what I'm doing?" She tried being cute by giggling but in reality she looked and sounded stupid. I got in her face, "I'm gonna beat your ass, I'm sick and tired of you." "Wow is that a threat?" She put her hand on her chest and scoffed. "Bruce wouldn't like that, would he now?" My blood began to boil. The fact that she brought up the guy I love to use against me. She turned and looked at her friends, she looked back at me, my fist clenched as I swung at her.

My fist hit her directly in the nose. "Oh my god! Oh my god! My nose!" She cupped her nose as it started bleeding. Our teacher, Mr. Stanley quickly ran over to us. "Why did you hit her! Go to the office right now!" "She brought up something personal!" I yelled. "That doesn't mean punch her! Go right now!"

"Whatever," I grabbed my bag and walked out the class. I wasn't gonna actually go to the office, I went to the room that Andrew showed me instead. I looked around to make sure no one was looking then went it.  There was a light on in the room. "Andrew?" "What's up?" He was sitting at the desk. "Why are you in here?" "I'm skipping class obviously. What about you? I don't take you as the type to skip."

"I punched Lindsey." He turned around and looked at me. "You punched her!?" I nodded. "That's badass, what did she do?" "She brought up something... personal." "Ahh I get it, I would've did the same. If she was a guy of course." I smiled and nodded.

"We should stay in here until seventh period, we just gotta leave a few minutes before it ends." He looked at me. "Okay, good idea."


Bruce and I walked in the school halls slowly as everyone glared at me. Bruce was someone that everyone swooned over, there were so many beautiful girls that liked him but he chose me to hang with, talk with and play games with.

"So later today, we're gonna go to the baseball field to bat and pitch for each other right." He spoke, I nodded and smiled. "But we have to get slushies first!" "Yes! We have to!" We looked and each other and smiled. "You're so perfect." I didn't know what to say, my face started heating up.

I slapped my right hand over my mouth. He put his right hand out for me to hold. I put my left on it and intertwined our fingers. "You're 'perfector'" "whatever you say pretty." He looked forward and continued walking to class.


It was math class, we sat next to each other. "Can you help me with this problem, I don't understand it." Bruce asked me. "Sure, give me your paper." He handed it to me and I scanned over the problem. "Ohh I see where you messed up! You needed to divide this, you multiplied!"

"Ohh, that makes sense, thank you!" He gave me a hug. "You're my best friend, I'll help you with anything and everything!" We smiled at each other, "Do I need to split you two up?" Mr. Johnston stood in front of us. "Sorry sir, we'll be quiet." I apologized and continued my work.

Bruce leaned closer to me. "Look." He whispered. It was a doodle of two small figures holding hands. "That's me and you." He leaned back, I looked at the drawing then his face where we made eye contact. We both smiled at each other.


"Y/n! Wake up school is almost over." I popped up in the beanbag chair to see Andrew waking me up. "Huh..?" "We gotta go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. He put his backpack on and held mine in his free hand as he rushed us out of the room.

We ran in the halls as quick as we could. We where by the exit door when, "Y/n Starke!" We both stopped in our paths and turned around. "I need to see you and your little friend in my office." It was the principal, principal Diggins. "Should we just run?" Andrew whispered to me. "Yea." I whispered back.

We acted like we were gonna walk to the principal but then we took off running outside of the school. "Hey! You two will regret this!" We snickered at her words, but then realization hit me, "Where are we gonna go?!" "I don't know, but we definitely can't go to either of our houses!" I nodded and we continued running.

He dragged me off to the alley behind the Grab n' Go. "I'm gonna get slushies, do you want anything else?" He put our backpacks down. "Some lays please." He nodded and left. I leaned against the back wall and thought about what I got myself into. I dragged my hands down my face as I slid down the wall.

"Jesus Christ." I sighed. "What am I gonna do. I'm gonna get arrested." I started thinking to myself, 'what would Vance or Robin do when stuff like this happens to them." It doesn't even matter, if they find me and ask why I did it I'll tell them that she had been bothering me the whole day.

"Fuck my life." "Okay I'm back, I got you cherry flavor." Andrew handed me the drink and chips. "Thanks Drew." He looked at me and smiled. "Yeah, no problem." I took a sip and exhaled. I crossed my arms and put my head on them. "What's wrong?" He sat next to me. "It's just that.. I don't know what I'm gonna do anymore."

I put my head on the wall. "Everyone is gonna think I'm a bad person and I'm gonna get stared at. It's like I took three steps forward and two steps back." "Listen alright, I'll be by your side for this whole thing." I looked at him, I gave him a closed mouth smile. "Thanks." "No big deal." He shrugged, he was blushing it was funny to me.

I know that I have a slight crush on him in all but if he likes me back I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'm literally in love with a dead person, I can't just tell him that I can't be with him because my lover died and he randomly appears to stay with me. "What if we go to the park," he asked. I looked at him like he was stupid, "okay I understand it's a stupid idea, but maybe we can get your mind off of this whole situation."

I thought about what he said for a moment before I considered it. "Sure, we can go." I stood and grabbed my food items. I threw my bag over my shoulder and started walking away. "Wait up!"


Okay again short chapter! I'll try to make the next one longer but for now it's gonna be like this sense idk what to write about.

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙄𝙨 𝘼𝙡𝙬𝙖𝙮𝙨Where stories live. Discover now