rainy day

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Dream cleaned up the small coffee shop making sure not to leave a spot dirty. Sweeping the floor, dusting off shelves, cleaning the tables. He worked so hard to make sure the shop was in good shape that he barely had time for himself. But dream was happy with his simple routined life.

Dream owned a coffee shop in a small town and he loved it to bits. It was his mom's coffee shop initially but she sadly passed too an unexpected sickness a few years ago.

dream hated coffee but he knew how much his mother loved her shop and how much it meant to her besides, it was the only thing he had left of her. so he gladly took over the shop. He keep the shop exactly like his mom left it, he didn't want to change to much about it, as it was very special to him, and his mom. The only thing he dare changed was a few decorative things, like plant pots and old dishes.

'Ugh my back is killing meeee!!' Dream complained loudly. He placed the broom back in the broom closet and stretched his arms over his head with a loud yawn. Dream grabbed his keys from his pocket and closed up the shop.

Dreams sight began to get blurry from tiredness, he had worked so hard all day with only 2 hours of sleep to his name. Dream softly rubbed his eyes and began the long walk home.

Dream didn't have enough money to buy a car. Or did he for an uber, the trip would be too long and cost more then what he made at the shop, so he restored too walking. Not like he had much of an choice.

The air was damp and smelt like a fresh, earthy smell like it was about to rain. Dream looked up to the dim lit sky and watched as the dark, intimidating clouds rolled in.

Dream let out a loud heavy sigh. 'I should take the bus' dream spoke quietly to himself. dream chould sacrifice a few dollars on a bus ride if it meant he didn't have to sit alone in the rain.

Dream stopped at a nearby bus stop and waited for the bus to arrive.

5 minutes passed

15 minutes passed

30 minutes passed.

At this rate dream chould have been nearing his house by now but the clouds in the sky only seemed to get worse and dream didn't want to risk walking home when it starts to rain so he decided to wait for a bit longer. But it was pointless, dream read an news article on his phone the the bus was going to be late due to some very bad traffic. Dream sighed and got up from the bench he was sitting on and prepared to make his walk home.

Just then loud thunder stuck across the clouds. Like the sky was cracking and falling apart. It started to rain, heavily. Dream was drenched in the water in a matter of seconds.

Dream bulled up his first and kicked a forming puddle on the sidewalk in front of him, getting water all over the bottom of his pants. 'This day cant get any worse.' Dream spoke firmly.

'Here' someone spoke out to dream. Dream quickly turned to his left to see who the owner of the soft voice was. There was a man standing there, offering his umbrella. How long has that man been there? Was he there the whole time? Did he hear anything I said to myself, he probably thinks I'm crazy. How did I not notice him!? These thoughts rushed through dreams mind, echoing in the halls of his empty head. As he came back to reality he found himself staring at the man. 'Oh! Sorry.' Dream smiled awkwardly. The man just approached dream and held the umbrella over both their heads. 'I'm George, nice to meet you' the man smiled so kindly at dream that it felt like the world just stopped for a moment.

It was a new feeling, an unexplored world. It felt like it was just him and George, like nothing else mattered.

The soft patters of the rain on the fabric of the umbrella calmed the blonde down, all his stress just drifted away from his body. They stared deeply into each other's eyes.

It felt like, love.

Love at first sight. It felt bright and warm on a cold, grey, rainy day.

Dream intensely snapped out of his trance once he realized that he was completely drolling over this stranger. Dream didn't even answer to what the man had said.

'I'm so sorry, what was that?' Dream apologized. George just smiled in response. 'You seem distracted.' George giggled. 'No! No. I'm just tired, I've been working all day.' Dream lied. It wasn't that he was tired it was his heart racing out of his chest.

'You work at that coffee shop right?' George questioned. 'Um yeah, how'd you know?' Dream looked surprised. This was his first time seeing this man, how did he know where dream worked? Was George staking dream? Honestly dream wouldn't be that upset if George was, maybe even happy, which is weird. 'I'd walk by here on my way to work.' George responded.

'You work around here?' Dream looked George up and down in disbelief, geogre was in a full suit and looked very special, theres no way he would work in a small town like this. 'You seem so fancy, why do you work here' dream spat out his words without a second thought, not even considering what he had said before speaking.

George responded in a little light giggle. 'His laugh is so cute' dream thought to himself. As his cheeks turned red. 'Well I dont work here I just live here. my family is here, so I'm visiting them. I actually work out of town.' George smiled at dream again and it made dreams stomach do flips.

They both went silent for a while until George broke the awkward silence again.  'Looks like the bus is coming' George pointed at the bus around the corner. 'Well, guess this is goodbye.' Dream smiled and shrugged his shoulders.

'Here take this' George reached into his pocket and pulled out a small piece of paper and a ink pin. George started to scribble something onto the paper and handed it to dream. Before dream chould read it the bus pulled up next to them. 'Well, talk to you later' George smiled. 'Um, y-yeah!' Dream stuttered. Dream waved bye to geogre and boarded the bus.

Dream couldn't stop smiling, his face was bright red and his heart was pounding. 'You just going to stand there kid!?' The bus driver shouted at dream. Dream apologized awkwardly and took a seat in the back of the bus.

Dream watched George from out the window, and once George sported the blonde stareing he smiled. Dream smiled back with a wave goodbye as the bus started to drive away.

Just then dream remembered the piece of paper he had from George in his hand. He opened the crinkled up paper and read it.

here's my number! Call me when you get home Goldilocks. ;)
555-0#### ♡

Words: 1226

You can imagine the rest of the story, I'm going to sleep. -_-

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