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TW: mention of sexual abuse. Nothing explicit


The pain was unbearable. His skin felt like being ripped apart by the worst claws a human being could reckon and the dry blood was staining his uniform.

They had cursed him with a Sectumsempra, Fred thought that was his end. No one survives a Sectumsempra — but, of course, the Death Eaters would not let it be so simple. Avery, especially, would not let it be so simple.

After passing out due to the pain and the loss of blood, Fred woke up on the arid and rough floor covered with bandages and with the discomfort that covered him from head to toes, extending even to the depth of his bones. But he was alive, and miracle or punishment, that was what mattered because he was not going to die and leave his Lilith alone in this shit place.

“If I ever see her again, if I'm ever lucky enough to look into her green eyes once more, I'm telling her. I'm telling her how deeply and irremediably in love with her I am.” Fred thought during his second day in that chamber. Or his third, he didn't know by now. The other prisoners' noises and the smell from the rotten sea surrounding the prison made him lose track of time.

It was sick in every way Fred could think of, even after being a usual visitor for the past year, nothing compared to suffering the miseries of Azkaban firsthand.

The convicts were woken up in the early hours of the dawn— before the sun even appeared to somehow warm the cold walls of the rocky prison — and they were forced into different kinds of torments that kept them energy-less so the Dementors could steal every single happy memory of those wicked souls.

Some prisoners were told to re-build without magic the part of the penitentiary that had been demolished when the Death Eaters broke out back in 1995, others were forced to participate in fights and deathly games to keep the Dementors and Avery entertained — every single day, without failure, Fred could see from the tiny little window in his cell how they got rid of the corpse of the day, sending it to the depths of the ocean with a chain around their body. Missed by no one, remembered only by their fellow internees.

Women who weren't considered important enough were forced to prostitute themselves in exchange for another day of life, elderly people were nothing but the object of mockery, and those who had been miserable enough to be dragged to that pigsty while being ill were only a body ready to be used for investigations.

Others, like Fred, were the Dementors' favourite entertainment. Every day since he arrived, Fred was compelled to let the Dementors penetrate his mind so they could find 'any proof that showed them he was a traitor to the Almighty Dark Lord'. And the mental and magical power Fred had to do to protect Sirius and the Order's secret, was demolishing him.

Fred only let them see what he wanted them to see — his moments of innocent happiness with Lilith. And that effort to keep her in his psyche and hide the Order from their scrutinous minds was costing him his health.

When the Dementors proved that his psyche was stronger than what they thought at first, Avery himself was the one torturing Fred. Entering his memories, twisting them, and making out of Fred a mess of silent sobs and rage.

"I will never love you, Fred," Lilith in that nightmare, a product of the spell Avery was casting on him, uttered with a hissing voice that reminded him of a snake. "Not after everything you have done to me. No matter what you do, no matter how willing you are to earn me, my forgiveness is not something you will get and I, being who I am, will never love you. You, poor fool. The only feeling you provoke in me is hate."

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