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TW: Sexual content and long ass chapter again. Enjoy!


After grabbing a couple of napkins to turn them into fans and wake Theo up with them, helping both Draco and him to calm down from Willow's unexpected announcement, Remus took a deep breath, already exhausted.

He looked at Sirius, almost communicating telepathically with him, for some reassurance. More than 20 years together shaped their ability to express and rely on each other at any moment. The other man immediately smiled, nodding, giving Remus the last push he needed to give the next announcement.

"Now that we are all together, rested and fed, I think it's time to give you the most important news. The ones you have been waiting for."

Everyone stayed silent and firm, being quickly reminded of the situation they were actually running from by isolating themselves in here with the Order.

"As you may already know, everyone has been questioning this whole year what happened with Harry. Why did he disappear and where did he take the Elder's wand? Well, the Death Eaters have been looking for him all over the British territory till this day."

"The thing is that," Sirius intervened, "They did look everywhere in the British surface -- but they didn't look everywhere under the surface. We did."

"And we know exactly where Harry is," Remus finished, sighing.


"Wait a minute," Theo was the first one to intervene, "Are you telling us Potter has been protected from the Death Eaters all this time and with the most powerful wand history has ever known in his possession and yet, he has done nothing against Voldemort?"

"Bloody fucker," Draco muttered.

"It's not that easy," Hermione Granger appeared from the door. Big dark circles ploughed through the silky skin under her brown eyes, revealing how tired she was, especially after skipping dinner to continue with her role as the Order's leader. Her black uniform made her exhausted expression look even rougher. "Shall we take a look at why?"

Hermione started walking without waiting a single minute, with Ginny Weasley being the first one to follow her. She could understand why anyone who had not spent the last year in this place could doubt Harry's bravery and commitment, but for her, the Golden Girl who had always been by the Potter boy's side it was even painful to doubt him.

She guided the whole crew -- including the two Marauders, the three Weasleys, Liv, Pauline, Willow and the three Slytherins -- into narrow, secret corridors. The only light came from her wand and the only sound, from their footsteps. Granger only stopped once she stood up in front of a door that became camouflaged with the rocky walls. Taking a deep breath and giving one last concerned look at the group behind her, she opened the door, whispering a password that only Remus and Sirius knew.

"I have many explanations ready for you," Hermione started murmuring softly, "But I think it's better if you look at it yourselves."

She stood out of the way, letting them go inside. Ginny was the first one, immediately followed by Fred and Lilith and with Remus and Sirius - who already knew what they were going to find - closing the line.

The first thing they noticed was the beep sound coming from a muggle artefact that measured heart pulsations. The second thing was two familiar redheads that were sat, kneeling in front of a bed with someone inside the blankets they didn't get to see yet.

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