(Chapter 4) New Home new family

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"NO FREAKING WAY!!" The amethyst shouts.

"That gem...." Garnet mumbles.

"That shape..." Blue also mumbles.

"That was Pink's gem..." The tall yellow lady said.

"Are you...L/n?" The tallest white lady asked.

"Yes i am how did you know my...last name i dint tell you...?" I asked and stops lifting my shirt.

"Welcome home L/n..." The pearl said.

I remain silent.

"Your mother is-" Garnet got cut off by me.

"Rose Quartz...or should i say...Pink diamond..." I said looking at them.

"Am i wrong..?" I asked tilting my head.

"No...Your correct..." Blue said.

"I..dont want to be the new 'Pink Diamond' i just wanna be my self..." I said.

"Of course we will not force you if you don't want to so...feel free at your new home".

'Starlight'...." The tallest white lady said.

"Why are you calling me this 'Starlight' thing...I'm not a star nor a light or something that produce light...." I said.

"Oh! Forgive me....i dint know you don't like that nickname..." the tallest white lady said.

"Tch...fine you can call me that just....don't be upset i don't like someone to be upset....." I said folding my arms.

2 Years later

A/N: Y/n and other gems become close as in "close" the gems also began to discover feelings for our lovely Y/n. Y/n is cold to humans specially his recarnation biological father 'Greg Universe' also Y/n don't want to destroy earth because he... well let's say his own reason and that reason will reveal someday...Now let's go to Y/n flying above the sky in earth looking for something interesting...

Y/n Pov.

I was flying above the sky for like 5 and half hours but still dint get to see something interesting-

"Ugh...still nothing interesting-"

my thought got cut off by a familiar annoying music i then quickly goes where that music and who is playing it.

Once i get there i see someone i wish i don't want to see...

"Why in so many freaking human ITS THE PERVERT OLD MAN!!" I Shouts in a demonic annoyed voice.

"Hey beautiful how about spend a night with me in my house tonight hm?" Greg asked the lady in a teasing yet pervert way....

"...." After hearing those words coming out of his mouth it made me angry.

" After hearing those words coming out of his mouth it made me angry

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"So~" Greg asked the lady in a flirting tone.

"Why of course i wanna see what your house look like!!" The woman said exited.

-I then sights- "Does she even know that man was a fucking pervert....?" I thought.

"Well i will just pretend i dint hear nor see that..." I said then leaves like nothing happened.

The next day

Yesterday night when i leave i jumps in the tree branch and lay there to have a sleep....later the sun starts to rise and hit my eyes i then opened my eyes slowly and gets up.

"Is it morning already....?" I said i then yawn.

"well better go and grab something to eat then head back to homeworld....." I said then jumps off the tree and starts flying to Japan.

"hm...what should i get when i get there...?"

I thought. A minute past i got to japan and when i enter the groceries store.

"Woah so many foods...i don't know what to buy.....hm...let's see...ramen, Sushi, ice cream, Chocolates Cookies, Chicken nuggets...well I will take it"

I said and starts to go to the cashier to pay and i stops and realized something

"Right....Money....what does it looked like anyway...huh.."

I turned my head to see a human pay using money i then copy it and makes my own money after that i go to the cashier and payed all of the things and foods i brought and teleports back to homeworld.

"Hm...." I hum "Y/N!! YOUR BACK!!!"

A female voice said i turned my head to see spinel

"Yeah and can you help me with these..?" I asked "Sure!! No prob!!" Spinel replied "

"Oh and be careful its a present for you and the others"

I said then spinel eyes have a star on it. When we arrived at the Diamond's Throne.

"Its so boring when my Starlight Y/n is not here...." White said

"WHAT STARLIGHT HE'S MY RAINDROP!!" Blue shouts at white

"CAN YOU TWO PLEASE STOP ARGUING?!!" Yellow shouts in anger

"Are we in a wrong timeing..?" I interuptly asked then the all female gems look toward me.

Blue and White gasp and a little pink shade appears in their face.

A/N: As i said i will upload this another chapter hope you liked it if you do please leave a vote and a comment!! And always stay safe everyone that goes the same as your family or friends and have a nice Day /Nigh /Afternoon to you all!! I will upload the next chapter tomorrow!! Well that's it!! Author sign out!!!

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