(Side Chapter: Vegeta #2)Newborn God's Rage

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No One's POV.

Y/n trains Vegeta for over...10 Months!! Yes, you heard that right, only 10 months. Vegeta learned all of the techniques Y/n taught. Vegeta also become a real God in no time, he also have a Human Friend named Vilma and the two of them hangouts everytime!

Vegeta POV.

Y/n Sama let me to go to the human realm(Earth) I'm now walking in the middle of the night, then a familiar scream can be heard. I then rush towards there to find out...that a 6 of old guys, knocking Bulma out and starting to rip her clothes and is about to Rape her.

"Release ger"

I said trying to act calm.

They all looked at me.

"HUH? a kid? Do you want to join us-"

Before the guy can finish his words one of the guys head was blows up.

They all move in terror and then 3 guys grabs a metal rod and goes to attack to me but then they're blown up to pieces. Then 2 of the guys grabs their guns and fire it at me but to no avail, it only made the bullets to turn into ashes.

I then looked at the last guy.

When I looked at him, he pee him self

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When I looked at him, he pee him self.

I then starts to break every single of his bones... And making him scream and beg for mercy...

After 20 minutes

The guy then passed out or I shall say, died...I then goes and picks up Bulma and puts a power to make her breath into the space and then i starts to fly towards the space.

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