(Side Chapter: Vegeta #1) A Home

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When we arrived at my place, the little saiyan child fall asleep, I then gently put him in a bed so that he can rest peacefully. I really don't know why but, for some reason I can see my little brother in this child... Loosing my little brother felt unreal... As if he's still alive somewhere...hiding...

2 Days Later


The child is still not waking up...I got worried so I go to him and use my powers to heal him...which didn't work at all... I then again use my powers to see if what's wrong with the child, only to find out that he is slowly dying because of some kind of drug that goes into his heart, without thinking, I made a big wound on my wrist which made it bleed so much and feed it to the unconscious child. I'm worried cause of so much blood I gave, he might become a void monster but then, I heard him gulping my blood which is a sign that he's alive. He then wakes up. And looks at me.


Vegeta ask.

"Don't force yourself, your body is still evolving"

I said calmly making him confused.

"Evolving? Into what?"

Vegeta ask looking at me.

"Evolving to become a God"

I said I then gets up.

"You need to rest, after your done in your evolution, I'll train you to become stronger and will be my right hand"

I said then leaves the room.

3 Years past, Vegeta's become taller and he has the aura and a Body of a God.

"I guess it's already time"

I said to my self. I then sight then "Vegeta!!"

I shouted his name. I can then see him flying towards me.

"Yes Master?"

He asked.

I then looked at him

"It's time"

I said still have a calm face.

I said still have a calm face

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"Huh? For what?"

Vegeta asked looking at the other side pretending to not know.

"For your training to become a real God"

I said seriously.

Op Male !God! Saiyan Reader X Steven UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now