7 ~ Apologies

776 26 53

- Ryan POV -

I did it, I texted Dylan. I felt horrible for running out after I confessed. My phone was placed on the night stand next to me. Sarah should be awake any time now, I didn't want her to see me crying.

I hesitantly picked up my phone and went to Dylan's contacts.

"Read 9 minutes ago"  Oh my god, he left me on read? I really did fuck up. Did he hate me? Oh my god. Oh my god. I waited another few minutes staring at his contact.

Finally, I saw a typing bubble. I almost jumped out of my bed from excitement. It took a bit for him to actually send the message, but I didn't mind, as long as he didn't hate me...

Dylan: Ryan, I'm not sure how to express this through text, is there anywhere we can meet up? My mom is home and Kaitlyn just left but I want some privacy. Maybe the park near my house?

What did he want to tell me? Why did he want it to be private? I didn't want to sound eager while texting him.

Ryan: Okay? How does 4 PM sound?

Dylan: Great. Again, I'm sorry.

I put my phone down and started to get ready for the day.

- Dylan POV -

Oh my god, we were going to meet up! I was so nervous... I put on some black jeans and a plain, baggy white tee. My face was already turning red and I wasn't even with Ryan. I had a few more hours before we had to meet up, so I decided to text Kaitlyn.

Dylan: Ryan and I are meeting up soon, I'm going to tell him my feelings for him and fix this.

Kaitlyn: Omg, that's great, man!

Dylan: Yeah! I'm hoping he doesn't hate me or something.

Kaitlyn: I'm sure he won't. But just know if he hurts you in any way I will not hesitate to kick his ass.

Dylan: Kaitlyn, you can't just assault someone because they hurt my feelings.

Kaitlyn: You're not the boss of me

Dylan: Fine, fine

Kaitlyn: Love ya, bud, I gotta go. Ttyl. <3

Dylan: Ilyt! <3

Oh man, I was more nervous than before. The thought of Kaitlyn absolutely pummeling Ryan was not something I wanted to imagine.

I spent my free time looking for clothes online, even though my closet was absolutely bustling with clothes. Before I knew it, it was already almost 4 PM. I walked to the kitchen where my mom was watching an online cooking recipe video...

"Hey mom, I'm heading out to the park next to us to meet Ryan. And before you say anything, I am feeling perfectly fine."

"Hmm... I guess that's alright. Have a nice time, hun."

I smiled, grabbed my phone, and left. My stomach was flipping all around and I was nervous as hell... but what could go wrong? The worst thing that can happen is Ryan not believing me, right...?

I sat down on one of the benches and started fidgeting with my phone case. I tried to focus on absolutely anything except what could go wrong. I zoned out for a few minutes.

"Hey.." I recognized that deep voice, Ryan. I jumped and let out an awkward wave.

"Uhm hey..." I scooted over in the bench so he could sit on my right. He sat down and turned a bit to look at me.

"So, uh, what's up?" He looked at me like nothing happened yesterday. Was he just going to ignore it?

"Seriously?" I snickered.

"What?" He looked confused. Genuinely confused.

"Dude, you're acting like nothing happened yesterday? Did you get over me that fast?" I turned towards him and stared at his lips. They were parted slightly.

"Oh uhm... sorry." He looked down at the spot between us on the bench.

"No! No, I'm sorry." I mumbled.

We both stared at each other for what felt like eternity.

"So... do you have an answer? I'm sure after running off like I did yesterday there isn't even a chance." Ryan frowned a bit.

It was painful having to hide my feelings for a couple months. I couldn't hide them anymore. I put my hand on his cheek. His face was warm. His eyes darted all around and then they finally settled back on me.

"Ryan... I like you... a lot." I scooted closer, our knees touching.

"Really...?" He gulped.

"No shit, I thought I was obvious all Summer." I laughed a bit.

"Can I...?" He leaned forward.

I slightly nodded.

Then it happened. We kissed. Butterflies filled my stomach. His lips were so soft. My hand was on the back of his neck and he had his arms wrapped around my waist.

We eventually broke the kiss and looked at each other for a bit. Our breaths were shaky. I couldn't stop ruminating about our kiss.

"That was... awesome..." I smiled and looked at his lips.

He smirked a bit and rested his head on my shoulder. Oh my god. I couldn't get over it. My face was hot and I was sure I looked like a tomato with a face. I wrapped my right arm around his waist and leaned my head on his.

"God... I love you." He mumbled.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Oh my god, I know you heard me."
He laughed. His laughs were so enticing. Not many people could even make him laugh due to his very serious, loner attitude.

I looked down at my left arm. I let out a bit of a sigh.

"You know, cutting off my hand was probably worth all of this." I smirked.

"Probably?" He quoted me.

"Definitely." I whispered.

I closed my eyes and smiled. I still couldn't believe it.

Ryan, THE Ryan Erzahler, the mysterious loner boy had stolen my first kiss. I could never complain, I wanted to do it again.

Was this even official? I mean, sure, we kissed... for a long time... but like, he never asked me to be his boyfriend. Was that still a thing, do people have to ask? I tried not to think about that and just enjoyed the moment in the present.

After we rested on the park bench for a bit, we went for a walk, held hands, and stared at some expensive things in the stores around town we could never afford.

The sun started to set. Ryan looked at me and smirked.

"What?" I laughed.

"Oh my god, Dylan, something tells me you haven't watched the sunset with a romantic partner, have ya?" He grabbed my wrist.

"Well... neither have you!"
Holy shit, he called me a romantic partner. Did I hear that right? Oh God.

"True, but no joking around, let's go!!" He shouted and pulled me along. He was running at this point. We reached a a hill that looked over a lake near my house. It was a perfect view of the sunset.

"Ryan... it's beautiful."

"I know... just so surreal. It's like all of your problems go away." His voice lowered a bit.

"That's deep." I look towards Ryan as he sits down. I sit right next to him.

"Yeah... but hey, let's not get all sad, we have each other."

"Yeah..." I lean my head on his shoulder.

It felt like a romantic movie. Watching the sunset with your partner, alone. There were no worries in the world.

Just us two.

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