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Bronxville, NY
Ryojin's apartment
living room

Landon lifted his hands to Ryojin's nape, pushing further into the kiss.
He couldn't help but want to dive back into those familiarly soft lips.

And then Daehyun started crying, "...mommy!"
Landon separated his mouth from Ryojin's and jumped up from the couch ready to go retrieve the crying baby when he realized, he's not my kid...why am I going to go get him?

Ryojin looked over at Landon as he grabbed Daehyun from his crib, "Mommy?" he questioned with a frown.

Landon blushed embarrassed, "He keeps calling me that, I can't get him to stop." he admitted, smiling to the small brunet.

Daehyun continued crying softly, reaching out towards Landon so Ryojin passed him the small child.

Landon held Daehyun and bounced him on his hip, "Don't cry Hyun-ah, shh you're okay." he said softly in Korean and Daehyun stopped crying almost instantly.

"You're really good with him. It takes at least 10 minutes for me to stop his crying, and for you it's instant." Ryojin remarked as Landon passed Daehyun back to him.

"I don't know what it is, I've never really been good with babies but Hyun-ah is different, I guess." Landon answered, walking towards the kitchen with Ryojin and Daehyun behind him.

Ryojin lifted Daehyun into his high chair and then went into the kitchen with Landon, "He likes you, he has good taste."

Landon blushed and shook his head, "I'm not... remember when I said I don't want kids?" he asked softly, already knowing that Ryojin would nod.

"It's fine, I'm not trying to convince you to be here or anything, I'll respect your decision." Ryojin said, grabbing ingredients to make some sort of porridge.

"I was going to say... I really like Daehyun. I'm not sure I feel differently about being an absent parent but if you'd let me, I want to try." Landon said slowly, looking over at Daehyun who was slapping his tray softly.

Ryojin looked over at him, "Are you serious? Landon, that's all I want, for us to try." he replied, reaching over and grabbing Landon's hand; kissing it softly.

Landon smiled before shaking his head, "But, I haven't slept with anyone since-...I don't know if I'm ready yet." he had to remind himself that sex was still a big part of Ryojin's life.

"I understand. I don't want you to do anything you aren't comfortable with, we can take our time, okay?" Ryojin gave a reassuring nod before softly kissing Landon's forehead.

New Rochelle, NY
Liegth Mansion
Landon's room

"Dude, seriously?" Percy asked, grabbing a throw pillow from the couch he was sitting on and threw it at Landon

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"Dude, seriously?" Percy asked, grabbing a throw pillow from the couch he was sitting on and threw it at Landon.

Landon caught the pillow before it could hit him, "I already said sorry, jeez. Stop throwing shit at me!"

"You waited for two weeks to tell us you were back." Tyler pointed out, casually eating popcorn while they watched Kaleb play a video game on the TV.

"I was busy, plus I told Kaleb, it's not my fault if he didn't tell you guys." Landon defended, shielding himself when Emma reached over and hit his shoulder.

Kaleb scoffed, "The fuck you throwin' me under the bus for, Liegth?" he looked over at Landon, causing the car he was driving to crash into a wall; getting his character shot by the police.

"That's racism, what the fuck?" Justin quickly complained in Japanese before snatching the controller from his twin and restarting the mission.

"Look, I'm back and now you guys know. Ow Em, stop hitting me!" Landon whined before reaching over and shoving Emma off his bed.

She rolled off and landed on the floor, hitting Kaleb who dramatically cried in pain, "Fuck! What the shit, Emily!"

"Shh! Shut up, my parents are asleep." Landon whispered, getting up from his bed and stealing some of Tyler's popcorn.

"Since you're back, I have tea. So remember Mr. Oster from English II? Well he quit last month and they haven't replaced him yet, so my second period just learns from lessons he made in 2012." Justin said with a small laugh.

Landon laughed and rolled his eyes as his other friends started informing him of all of the newest things to happen at their school.

the next day,
New Rochelle, NY
Liegth Mansion
living room

Landon came into the living room to find Light and Ash kissing intimately on the couch.

"Um," Landon cleared his throat awkwardly.
Light sat up and pushed Ash off of him, "Oh Landy, sorry."

Ash rolled his eyes, "He's 20 years old, he should be used to seeing us kiss by now." he said in a deep voice, buttoning his shirt back up.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt. Do you know where Ace is? He isn't in your room." Landon asked, looking around the living room.

Light shook his head, "He's at Leah's baseball practice, didn't he tell you?" Landon shook his head, "Is everything okay?" the older brunet asked.

"Yeah, I was just gonna ask him about Ryojin but it's- nevermind. Sorry for interrupting, see you." Landon quickly excused himself, realising how awkward it was for him to being confiding in anyone besides Ace.

Ash didn't take mind to Landon's quick escape from the room and instead turned his attention back to his husband, leaning over and kissing Light's neck roughly.

Light moaned softly before whispering breathlessly, "Ash, Daddy, wait a second." he once again pushed Ash off of him.

"What is it?" Ash asked, sitting back down on the cushion beside Light; reaching over and pushing his hand under Light's pant leg.

"Doesn't he seem different to you?" Light asked, looking down the hall where Landon had escaped to.

Ash shrugged, "I don't know Puppy, being assaulted changes you."

Light huffed, "I know that, I don't mean like that. I mean recently, doesn't he seem happier? Or like more responsible, more mature?" he looked over at Ash who simply shrugged again.

"I haven't noticed. But since you're so perceptive, how about you perceptively fix my boner?" Ash responded before once again kissing Light roughly, this time recieving no resistance from the older man.

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bc I'm so close to revising LHOK just to reread it...I miss Aslace🤧🤧

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