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a few days later,
Bronxville, NY
Ryandon's apartment

"If you guys don't shut up, I won't let you come back." Landon threatened, holding up the spatula he was using for omelettes as a weapon.

"Sorry, it's just he's so adorable." Emma replied, gushing over the pictures of Daehyun on Landon's phone.

The baby himself was at daycare but Ryojin didn't have work today so the house was child-free.

"Yeah, I get why you dropped out of school to raise him." Kaleb scoffed sarcastically, rolling his eyes but continuing to look at the pictures.

Landon looked up from his frying pan, "Albrecht, I will beat the shit out of you." he threatened calmly.

Justin raised his head, "Hey, what the fuck did I do?" he asked, sitting in between Percy's legs on the floor.

Percy laid his chin in the spot between Justin's shoulder and neck, smiling as if he won a gold medal in the Olympics.

"Not you, idiot. Your stupidass brother, making stupidass comments that are gonna get his stupidass on a missings poster." Landon replied, casually threatening the younger teen once again.

Justin didn't reply, instead glancing at his twin before going back to whispering with Percy.

Emma continued to ignore them while her and Tyler looked through the rest of the photos, leaving Kaleb with nothing to do.

So he instead went into the kitchen and leaned on the counter, "Lan, be honest with me, are you happy?" he asked in a low voice, just loud enough for Landon to hear him but no one outside the kitchen could.

Landon shook his head, "Of course I am. All my life I just wanted someone to love me unconditionally, and that's exactly what Ryojin does." he sighed, "K, I know you think I'm wasting my life but this is my life."

Kaleb sighed, "Well, if you say you're happy then who am I to judge? But dude, you better invite me to your wedding 'cus free food is the best."

Landon rolled his eyes, "I'm not getting married. I'm 20."

Kaleb shrugged, "My dad's were 19, wasn't Ace like 17 when he married your dads?" he pointed out before shivering once he realized he was a year off from 19.

Landon turned back to his omelettes and ignored Kaleb's whining about how unfair it was he was getting older.

Two snaps came from down the hall and Landon quickly abandoned Kaleb in the kitchen to go see why he was being summoned.

"Yes sir?" Landon asked, standing by the door of the bedroom as Ryojin came out of the bathroom fully dressed.

"I was seeing if you were still here, where's Tokki?" Ryojin asked, fixing the collar to his black button up shirt.

Landon smiled softly, "He's at daycare. I invited over my friends, I hope you don't mind." he added after realising this was Ryojin's house, not his.

Ryojin shook his head, walking over and kissing Landon's forehead, "I know, I can hear them."

"I told them to shut up." Landon mumbled softly, embarrassed that his friends could be heard even through the soundproof bedroom.

"It's okay. I have to go out to the store anyways for decorations for Tokki's birthday." he smiled at the shorter man, cupping Landon's chin and kissing his lips softly.

It's soon, I completely forgot! Landon nodded, "I'll get rid of them and go with you." he said before excusing himself back into the living room.

"There you are, where'd you run off to?" Kaleb asked, now crappily braiding Tyler's long blonde hair.

Landon rolled his eyes as he grabbed his phone from Emma, "Alright losers, get out my apartment. I have errands to run." he said in a playful tone although he was partially serious.

Emma rolled her eyes, pulling out her phone as she started talking to Tyler about movies showing at the nearby theatres while they both started towards the front door.

"Don't forget, that one horror movie with naked nuns is in theaters next week." Kaleb reminded him, smirking at the thought of naked women.

"Ew," Percy groaned before fist bumping Landon as he walked towards the front door, "see you later dude."

Landon nodded, "See you Perce."
Justin walked over to Landon and shot him a glance with a silent scowl.

"My soccer game is next week on the 29th, you promised to be my sponsor." Justin said, almost like he was threatening the older blond.

"Yeah yeah, I remember. I'll be there, don't worry." Landon replied, pushing him out the front door before locking it behind his friends.

Ryojin came in wearing black jeans with small rips in the thighs, a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled and the first two buttons undone to show off the thin golden necklace laying across his collar bones.

Landon on the other hand was already dressed in black shorts that fell to his mid-thigh, one of Ryojin's tan band t-shirts which hung almost lower than his shorts, and black tennis shoes.

"Do you want an omelette before we go?" Landon asked, coming back from the kitchen with a plate in hand, smiling proudly.

Ryojin didn't pick up the fork, instead he opened his mouth so Landon could feed him; which the blond did happily.

a bit later,

Landon walked down the aisle with Ryojin by his side, their fingers intertwined and their steps symmetrical.

"Hyung, where are we having his party?" Landon asked, grabbing rolls of pink, orange and yellow streamers and placing them in the basket.

Ryojin momentarily looked at Landon as he grabbed a pack of latex-free balloons so the small child could play with them on his birthday in two days.

"In the apartment, it won't be many people so space shouldn't be a problem." he replied before grabbing the basket from Landon as he walked up to the register.

"I was thinking, for Hyun-ah's 3rd birthday," it is third right? since in Korea he would already be one? "that we rent out a venue so the kids from his classes can join. And I wanna pay for it." Landon replied, almost as if he was offering but he was actually letting Ryojin know he had already planned it out.

Ryojin paused and gave Landon a surprised look before, "You plan on staying that long?"

Landon smiled softly, "I plan on staying forever."

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bc I wrote this while sleepy and roadtripping

𝕃𝔼: 𝕃𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝟚 [BxM] 16+✔️Where stories live. Discover now