
44 3 0

Bronxville, NY
Ryandon's apartment
Living Room

"And then I got caught up in some terrible stuff." Ryojin pinched the bridge of his nose, "I wasn't too far into it all, we both decided to leave when she got pregnant."

Landon stayed sitting on the couch beside his boyfriend, laying his hand on Ryojin's leg in an attempt to comfort him.

Aside from the criminal stuff... "It sounds like you guys had a good relationship. Why-" Landon stopped himself before he asked another insensitive question.

"We did. I loved her more than anything and I believed her when she said she left the illegal things behind." Ryojin sighed, laying his head back in the couch, "But she didn't. And she kept it a secret from me, for years."

"That secret got my best friend killed."

Landon's eyes went wide, he never could've imagined the amount of things Ryojin had gone through. And that story made him realise, He really is this much older than me...

Ryojin shook his head, "When Jeanine noona died, I told Nari that day I wanted to divorce her. It was that same day...she got into a car crash on the way home with Jackie."

Landon couldn't find the right words to even process in his mind the story he'd just heard, instead tears stung his eyes and he pulled Ryojin into him; hugging the brunet unexpectedly.

Ryojin was surprised by the embrace but wrapped his arms around Landon's waist and held him anyways, the both of them comforting the other.

a few hours later,

I still can't believe it...Landon thought, intertwining his fingers with Ryojin's, the older man sleeping soundly, a decade ago, he was my age when his best friend and son died- and it was all his wife's fault.

The sound of the doorbell ringing pulled Landon from his thoughts as he climbed out of the bed, careful not to wake Ryojin.

Unable to find his own clothes, Landon slipped on a pair of shorts and one of Ryojin's shirts before making his way to the front door.

He opened the door and was instantly bombarded with rushed Korean that he could barely translate.

"... finally you open the door. Mocha, you really-" Mi Kyong complained exaggeratedly, having her arms crossed over her chest in a sassy manner.

She paused when she realized the person she was fussing at wasn't her little brother but instead a shorter, American, blond with freckles and grey eyes.

It took the brunette a second before she recognised the young boy, "Oh my gosh, Landon, I thought you had left." she shook her head and smiled, "Ryojin-ah you liar." she mumbled in Korean.

Landon smiled softly, he truly did enjoy her personality.
"Ryojin didn't lie, I did leave. I just got back, I'm glad to see you again noona."

Mi Kyong raised her eyebrows, "You have such amazing pronunciation, did you learn recently?" she asked as Landon invited her inside.

"Um, n-not really. I learned last year but I've only been practicing more recently with Ryojin." the blond replied, sitting down on the couch and crossing his legs under him.

Mi Kyong nodded, looking around the living room, "Ah, where is Mocha? He owes me an apology."

"Don't make up things, no one owes you anything noona." Ryojin's deep voice came from the hallway as he entered the living room carrying Daehyun who was playing with a teething toy.

Mi Kyong clicked her tongue, "Tsk, how dare you accuse me of lying. You forget my birthday and then call me a liar, shameful." she shook her head displeasingly before stealing her nephew from Ryojin's arms.

Ryojin squinted his eyes at her before going into the kitchen.
"Oh, it was your birthday?" Landon asked surprised after no longer being amused by their small arguement.

"No, she's being overdramatic, her birthday is tomorrow." Ryojin shook his head with a sigh, "And you call me shameful, noona you lied to my ...." the last part of Ryojin's sentence was a word in Korean that Landon didn't know.

But Mi Kyong understood and she looked back at Landon, "You're missing a ring. Oh," she turned back to Ryojin, "Mom gave you a bracelet?"

Ryojin nodded, "A few weeks ago." he walked around the island and handed Mi Kyong Daehyun's bottle, "Alright, it's almost 8. Cookie, go get dressed."

Landon climbed off of the couch, he wasn't sure what he was getting dressed for but he obeyed anyways with a nod of his head.

I wonder what Mi Kyong meant by Ryojin doesn't have a ring, Landon thought, pulling on black tights and a light grey crop top which matched his grey tennis shoes.

Ryojin came into the room just as Landon was styling his hair, the older man walked up and wrapped his arms around Landon's waist, "You look nice."

Landon blushed, looking in the mirror at their reflections, "Thank you sir. Where are we going?"

"It's a secret," Ryojin kissed his forehead before going back into his bedroom and putting on black jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket with tan inner lining.

"A-a secret?" Landon asked, he was nervous about where this date would be since the last one brought him to the Albany woods where he ended up ruining the entire thing.

Before Landon could ask anything else, Ryojin tapped his finger against his own lips twice; telling the young man to be quiet.

Landon obeyed the order and waited patiently by the closet door until Ryojin was ready.

The brunet added a few dark coloured earrings to his attire before snapping his fingers and signaling for Landon to follow him.

"Noona, we'll be back in a few hours. If you need anything..." Ryojin held up his cell phone to signify that she was meant to call him if anything happened.

Mi Kyong rolled her eyes, "If I needed something I wouldn't call you." she remarked in Korean before turning to Landon, "Have fun, don't let him pressure you into anything. Mocha is a bully sometimes." she said with a small smirk.

Landon laughed softly and bowed his head, "I won't. See you later." he said before leaving out the front door, which Ryojin was holding open for him.

Ryojin gave Mi Kyong a look but she simply rolled her eyes before pushing him out the door and closing it.

I really like her....I wonder what makes her and Ryojin so different in personality, Landon thought, climbing into the car as he bounced in his seat anxiously.

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bc I'm in the middle of moving so the next four-ish chapters will be kinda mid

𝕃𝔼: 𝕃𝕖𝕘𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕖𝕤 𝟚 [BxM] 16+✔️Where stories live. Discover now