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AN: firstly, I am a Russian-Japanese living in America so all Korean-based practices or traditions are as accurate as my research shows but I'm open to corrections

Also, all the italics are them speaking in Korean.


10 years ago,
Daejeon, South Korea
Liegth University

"Who?" asked Yang Minjae, a 20-year-old Social Philosophy Major from Incheon.

Hee-young Jiwon, a 19-year-old Physics Major from Seoul, rolled her eyes, "Jung-ssi* Nari, the weird foreigner. She's a Political Science Major."

(*she uses -ssi after Nari's last name which is a sign of disrespect towards the person)

Park Geonwu, another 20-year-old who was a Psychology Major from Busan, snapped his fingers, "I remember her. She arrived to OT* late and was really rude to everyone."

*(OT is Orientation for Korean Universities. It's usually mandatory and sometimes just recommended)

"And she spilled soju all on Jihun sunbae-nim and didn't apologize." Lee Jeanine, a 20-year-old Korean-American Chemistry Major, added with a displeased tone.

"Sunbae, don't you have a project with that disrespectful brat?" Jiwon asked, turning to look at Ryojin who was silently walking beside his friends.

20-year-old Ryojin sighed, "Jiwon-ah, you know what's disrespectful? Speaking badly about someone behind their back." he informed the younger girl.

Jiwon paused, looking as if she had just been slapped across the face before turning to Jeanine, "Isn't it weird? Jung-ssi never wears short shirts, even in the summer like now."

Just then, the blonde walked past the group of friends on their way to the off-campus cafe.

"There, Minjae sunbae," Geonwu whispered, pointing towards the unsuspecting girl, "that's Jung Nari-ssi*."

*(he doesn't use -ssi in a disrespectful way but instead in the proper way)

Ryojin felt himself getting angry on the foreign girl's behalf so he stopped walking, and turned to his friends.

"My apologies Minjae hyung," he bowed to Minjae, "Geonwu hyung," he bowed to Geonwu, "Jiwon-ah, Jeanine noona," he dipped his head to the two women, "I have to excuse myself."

Even though Ryojin had been friends with most of them, besides Jeanine, for almost his entire high school and university years; he still referred to them with formalities. Except Jiwon, who would ignore anyone who didn't call her noona or Jiwon-ah.

Jeanine frowned, "Ryojinnie, you won't have lunch with us?" she pursed her lips, holding her books against her chest calmly.

Ryojin smiled softly and shook his head, "Not today noona, I'll see you tomorrow." he bowed again before jogging off to where Nari was sitting beside a pond.

Jiwon huffed and crossed her arms, "I don't see what Ryojin oppa sees in her, he never used to leave us to go hang out with some-"

Jeanine subtly jabbed Jiwon in the side with her elbow, "Jiwon-ah, be respectful. How do you plan to find a husband with a mouth like that?" she scolded the younger girl calmly.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Ryojin asked, gesturing to the empty spot on the marble fountain seats.

Nari looked up at him, holding her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun, "If I said yes, would that make you go away?"

Ryojin smiled softly, in a way that crinkled the edges of his eyes and made them smaller than usual, as he blushed softly.

"I don't know a lot of English." he admitted before grinning, "So I'll just assume you said you 'really really really' wanted me to sit here."

Nari rolled her eyes as a smile crept onto her face when Ryojin sat down beside her.

"You're from Canada, right?" Ryojin initiated communication, asking a question he already knew the answer to. He'd seen her application from OT.

"Yes." she gave a short answer, not looking at Ryojin but instead at the trees shading her from the sun.

Ryojin realized Jiwon was right on one thing, it was summertime but even when all the other students wore shorts and polo shirts as their uniforms; Jung Nari still wore a blue jacket that covered her arms.

"Oppa," Nari called in a barely audible whisper, "if I was in danger...would you help me with something?"

Ryojin didn't understand the words she said in English but he could understand her accented Korean, "Help? With the project?"

Nari looked over at him before rolling her eyes and softly hitting his arm, "What else would I want your help with, I don't like you." she complained playfully.

Ryojin smiled, grabbing her hand before she could hit him again, "I do like you though. Will you have lunch with me?"

Nari looked at him hesitantly but huffed, "Fine, but you're paying."

The brunet laughed as he stood up, "My pleasure." he replied with one of the few English phrases he knew.

months passed before things actually got serious between Ryojin and Nari,

"Oppa," Nari called Ryojin, tapping him to get his attention since he was wearing headphones while listening to music, "I want to show you something."

Ryojin pulled off his headphones and looked at her expectantly, pushing back his messed up hair.

Nari unzipped her blue jacket that Ryojin was convinced must've just been apart of her body since she always wore it.

Once she pulled her arms out of their sleeves, Ryojin realized why she always wore the jacket.
Decorating her tanned skin was multiple tattoos in black, red and yellow.

This looks like *Yakuza, Ryojin thought, reaching forward to touch the foreign artworks.

*(Yakuza is the Japanese Mafia, one of the most infamous Mafias in the world. They are known for having a large tattoo on their backs and sometimes arms)

"You have tattoos. Are you a..." Ryojin paused, he didn't want to offend the girl if she wasn't or anger her if she was.

Nari grabbed Ryojin's hand with her own and pressed it against her shoulder, "*Am I a criminal?" she finished Ryojin's questions for him.

Ryojin nodded hesitantly.
"What if I said I am? Would you still help me?" she asked, still holding Ryojin's hand to her arm.


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bc I do have a planned book in the works that will feature Yakuza members

*in Korea, tattoos are seen as taboo and most Koreans don't have them
Years ago tattoos used to be only to identify criminals but even though more Kpop idols have tattoos, it's still not commonly practiced in Korea.

This is also why Kpop idols (like Jungkook from BTS) have to cover their tattoos with makeup or long shirts when going on Korean television

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