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Felix's POV

"Do you want your girlfriend to forgive you? We have a lot of sweets inside, perfect for your moody girlfriend!" the speaker outside the cafe


Fine. I'll just buy and it doesn't mean anything.

I went inside the cafe and waited for the others to finish ordering their sweets. After a few minutes, one customer and I am next-

"I want a dark chocolate mousse cake for my girlfriend who is jealous of someone, when she really shouldn't be." the customer said

Does he have to tell the details?

The guy at the counter prepared it and handed it to the customer. He even said some things to him and then the customer left.

"Good afternoon, sir!" he greeted

"Good afternoon... I would like to order a caramel chiffon-"

"Sir?" he called and pointed at the paper attached on the desk "I would like to order say your order for my girlfriend or wife who is the reason why she is mad or the reason you are ordering." he smiled as he finished reading it

"Do I have to say it like that?"

"Yes, sir! This is a cafe for your moody girlfriend." he smiled

Chill, Felix. No one will know. Just say it.

"I would like to order caramel chiffon cake for my g-girlfriend who is mad at me because I kept something from her."

The fuck...

"Coming up!" he said and hurriedly took care of my order, he finished and handed the cake to me. I paid for it and hurriedly left the cafe before anyone see me.

I went back to the University which is a few blocks away. Fine. It was my fault that she have to take punishment. It was so childish of me. I went straight to the office of the professor to wait for her outside.

This is not so me. Being guilty of something I shouldn't be. This is so stupid. I shouldn't be doing this-

"Finally, five hours left." Xiu said as she came out of the office


"You're lucky. I still have 19 hours to complete." Aziel?

Why are they together?

"Felix, what are you doing here?" Aziel asked

Xiu was just glaring at me.

So, there is nothing to be guilty about? She seems to be having fun with Aziel. Damn this cake. I wasted time for this.

"What are you doing here?" Xiu asked

"The after party will start in a few hours. We still have to get ready. I was looking for you but seems like you were busy with someone else."

Xiu rolled her eyes "Yeah, right. Busy receiving punishments which is your fault."

"My fault or not you shouldn't be with someone else. You are fucking engaged."

"So? We both agreed to date someone else. Right?" Xiu

"And we also agreed to tell each other always our plans. Seems like you forgot that one?"

Xiu rolled her eyes.

"You two are dating. Congrats."

"Seriously? What's wrong with you?" Xiu

"We have to go. I'll wait for you in the car."

It's been almost 30 minutes of driving to the mall that Seungmin recommended because he made a reservation for us in the salon, as well as the boutique shop.

And 30 minutes of not talking to each other.

"You don't have to do anything yet. You'll just need to find a woman-"

"I just have to find Glei and figure out if she is married or if she has a baby. I know what to do. I'm not stupid." Xiu

"Can you stop acting like you know everything?"

"Then can you stop acting like I did something for you to get mad like this? Hello? I was with Aziel for days and you never said anything. Why just now?" Xiu

"If you think I am jealous, I'm telling you... I am not-"

"That's the least I can think of, because I know you will never be, you're a heartbreaker, Felix." Xiu

As soon as we arrived at the mall, she got out of the car but I am too messed up. Am I jealous? I can't be. She is a nobody but someone I need to marry.

We went to the boutique shop first to look for something we should wear, the sales ladies assist us and recommended something that is good to wear.

"I'll take this." Xiu said while staring at the white glittered sleeveless long dress

"Good choice, ma'am!" sales lady said

"Here is mine." I handed the suit I chose

"I think you should try the dress." sales lady told her

"So, this young good looking man right here will see how beautiful you are wearing that dress." sales lady said and smiled at her

Xiu just gave her a nod and smiled. She went to the fitting room, while I sat on the small bench which I think is the waiting area? One sales lady assist her inside the fitting room since she has to zip up the back of the dress that Xiu chose.

"I'm sure your girlfriend will look good in that dress." another sales lady said and smiled at me

I smiled back "She looks good in anything she wears."

The sales lady that assisted Xiu inside, finally came out looking excited like she did some magic to Xiu inside-

Xiu came out wearing the dress.

"Isn't your girlfriend looks good with the dress?" sales lady asked

I... just can't think of what to say.

"We'll take that." I said and went to the counter

I can't...

This can't be.

I can't fall for her.

Mr. Heartbreaker | Lee Felix |Where stories live. Discover now