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Felix's POV

"It's not Azia." Xiu said

"What do you mean? That's impossible."

"Lee Felix, you were just suspicious of her but you are not sure if it's really her. Besides, do you even know who Azia is?" Xiu

"Why? Do I have to know?"

Xiu sighed "Yang Azia, the cousin of Jeongin. Basically, Aziel's older sister. The child of your Dad's best friend. You stupid ass. She even call your Dad uncle! What's wrong with you seriously?"


"I-I didn't know."

"See? You were suspecting them when you have enough money to find out about their background profile. Are you really that dumb?" Xiu sighed

I rolled my eyes and ate the fries I bought.

"I followed them like what you told me. They are alone in the parking lot, but they never thought of hugging each other or even try to flirt. When we are in the car, they weren't even talking since the meeting ended and there is nothing to talk about. Azia introduced herself to me and even called your Dad, uncle. She said she was there to purchase vans for the company. Happy? You got what you need." Xiu

Am I wrong with Azia? I didn't know she was Uncle's daughter, and I never thought of searching about her. Why am I so stupid to accuse her for something that is so impossible?

"Other things to add?"

"None. There is nothing to add." Xiu

Why is it so hard to find out who?

"I understand that you hate that woman because she is the reason why your Mom was in pain. But I think it's time to let go. Do you think your Mom would be okay with you getting bothered about it? She's at peace now, and I am sure she only cares for you. She won't even care about your Dad even if he marries multiple women. Felix, just think of yourself. Let your Dad do what he wants. He is also old, sooner or later he will realize what he have done." she said

"I really just want to know who."

"You don't hate her?" Xiu


"If you don't, why are you so desperate to find who? If you want to know who, you should've told your Dad that you want to meet her. What's stopping you? Because you just don't want to meet her, you hate her even though you haven't met her. And you hesitating to meet her, involved people who are not supposed to be involved. What if we didn't spy on those you are suspicious with? You could've done something you would regret for the rest of your life." Xiu sighed

"I don't know. I don't even understand myself. I just hate to imagine how hurt my Mom is, when Dad cheated on her, and she never dared complain about it."

"I understand, but Felix, it's already in the past. If you aren't going to move on, your Mom won't get the peace that she wants." Xiu

I stayed silent.

"You okay?" Xiu

I nodded.

"I'll drive you home. I have to be somewhere."

We got in my car and drove to her house. I am not in the mood to talk because I felt hopeless and it's unfair. The world is unfair, even destiny.

"You can call me if you need someone to talk to." Xiu said and got out of my car as we arrived at their house


I was at this bar for almost five hours and I am not getting drunk, it's anger that kept bothering me. The fuck? An alcohol can't get me drunk now? I am just mad, I wanted to get drunk, sleep and forget. Why is it so hard now?

Xiu has a point though, but I really can't let this pass. I really hate that woman. I hate her so much. I hate her because she hurt my Mom intentionally. She ruined my family, and the reason why my Dad and I became distant to each other. Was it wrong to hate someone who ruined the family I love? Was it really wrong?

"Sir, we're closing." the waiter said

It's 12 am and I am still here. What kind of bar closes at 12 am? This is annoying.

I took my things with me, and left. I drove to Xiu's house. I want to go home but the more I remember about Dad's lies and betrayals, I kept hating him. I wanted to hurt him and lose respect, but I can't. He is my Dad after all. He is one of the reason I am alive and living the life that everyone wanted.

As I arrived, I tried my best to walk straight but my legs kept betraying me for making me look like I'm going to fall anytime.

Calling Xiu...


[Where are you? Your Dad is looking for you. You should go home. He is so worried.]

"I can't face him."

[Felix, I understand you're mad. But please you should go home. Let is pass tonight. Take a rest and think tomorrow. You are upset now, that's why you don't want to see him. Okay, don't talk to him but you have to go home.]

"My Dad is not worried. He is scared that he might lose his only son that will take over that stupid company."

[Felix, go home.]

"I need you... Can you come out here?"

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