Home is Where the Heart Is

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(A/N I'm changing the point of view to Cass')

We were now pulling into the Oller household, and suddenly I felt nauseous.

"Tony, I don't feel so good." I faced him and held my stomach, as that would help anything.

"It's probably just nerves, don't be nervous Cass, you're just meeting my parents." Tony said nonchalantly while opening the car to start unpacking our belongings for the next couple of days. He and Malcolm had a concert tomorrow, which I was pretty excited about after finding out the guy I hooked up with after leaving Mark was in a pop duo who actually sang a song that I liked and I hadn't even known. Classic Cass move. I'm so dumb.

But Tony and I were staying at his parents house and honestly I didn't even know what we would do, or wouldn't do. I haven't spent a night with Tony without, well, yeah. This will be fun.

"Cass c'mon please help me with a couple of these bags." Tony almost seemed like he was nervous about being here too.

"Yeah, yeah sure." I grabbed a bag and shut the trunk of his car and followed him into the front door of his parents house. Well here we go.

"TONY!! BABY!! Glad you could make it! Here let me help you with those bags." A blonde woman with glasses, who I now know was Tony's mother, greeted him. She seemed to not notice I was even there. Tony shot me an apologetic look and took the bag from me and followed his mother.

"Sit down, I'll be right back," he said to me.

Sure Tony, I'll sit down on your parents couch all awkwardly. I still feel nauseous.

I sat on my phone for about five minutes until Tony finally appeared, "oh gosh, Tony, thank God, it was too quiet down here."

"Who are you?" A tall man, who was on the bigger side appeared.

"ohmygosh, I thought you were Tony, I'm so sorry. I'm Cassandra Monroe - I'm with Tony. You must be Mr. Oller." I got up off the couch to shake his hand but he just declined and sat down on a recliner, next to the couch where I was sitting.

"So you're another one of his whores, huh?" He says with no emotion.

"Um, excuse me?" What the fuck?

"You have to be, that boy doesn't know when to say no."

Coming down at the right time, Tony, and his mother behind him.

"Oh, I didn't realize you brought a girl!" Tony's mother looked at me and then back to her son. "Is she staying tonight too?"

"Yes she is, mom, might want to get those earplugs out again," he laughed and smirked at me.

Did. He. Just? I scanned the floor to look for my eyes because I'm sure they were bugged out so far that they fell out. No wonder his dad thinks I'm a whore.

Wait? Am I?

I probably am. I freaking sucked his dick on the way here. Oh god. What has my life come too?

His mother looked at him disapprovingly and shook her head and went into the kitchen.

"Hey dad!" Tony came up to his father and hugged him. "I see you met Cass." he smiled at me.

"I did." Mr. Oller could have been a really friendly guy if he wasn't in this situation and I would never know. I'm forever going to be Tony's whore to them now. I'm going to puke.

"Tony? Where's the restroom?"

"Up the hallway, and it's the first door on the left."


"You okay babe?" He called after me, but I was already gone.

I was in the bathroom but I could still hear Mr. Oller, "she's not pregnant is she?"

"Oh no, we've only done anal." Tony nonchalantly says.

I'm hovering over the toilet and I feel all the blood rush to my face. Did he really say that to his father.

I puked.


I haven't updated this in forever oh my god. I'm so sorry I've been so busy.
Who's ready for MKTO's new single Bad Girls bc I'm not 😂

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