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Last night was amazing. The Oller's are so great to be around. I no longer felt like I was just another one of Tony's whores. Which is a good thing.

"Are you ready to head out?" Tony came down the steps with luggage in both of his hands. He was going back on tour today and honestly I don't know what's going to happen next. I never thought this far. The last couple days, it had felt like time was on our side and it would last forever. But after MKTO's show in Dallas tonight, Tony was gonna be in another state. I'm not sure how I feel about that quite yet.

"Of course! I can't wait to meet Malcolm!" And I'm not gonna lie, I did google the group last night. I had to find out what Malcolm even looked like. Get this though, Malcolm was the little kid Walt in LOST! Once I saw that I screamed because it was one of my favorite shows.

"The tour bus is gonna pick Mal up at his hotel then it's coming here to pick us up, and he just texted me that they're already on the way and will be here in half an hour; so Cass hurry up." Tony nervously asked. "Please." He then flashed me a smile.

"You're lucky I like you." I smiled back at him. But inside I was dying because I was so nervous about what was going to happen after the show. We're probably going to break up - wait, no - we're not even officially together. We're just gonna go our separate ways and I'm gonna have to live with the fact that I sucked Tony Oller's dick one night and then I'll never see him again. That's my life for you.

And Mark. God dammit. Mark. I wonder how he's doing.

"Cass you good? You just gonna stand there? We gotta get ready!" Tony muttered.

"Tony, you act like I have fifty million things to pack! You're the one who wants to take his whole childhood bedroom with him on the rest of the tour!" I love teasing him.

"Hey. Living on the road is hard." He pouted.

"Awh, I'm sorry, little rockstar. Life is sooo hard."

He seemed to tense up. "I hate that word."

"What? Rockstar?" I'm learning more and more about him every day.

"Yes. I'm just living my dream. This is all I wanted to do in life. And I get to do it. I never like taking it for granted. That's all. I'm not a rockstar. I'm not famous either." He said this with this tone in his voice, that I'm not sure I've heard before. He was so serious and real. It was nice.

"Wow, Tony. I love that."

He was a real person.

The bus came twenty minutes later and my heart was pounding. This is really happening. I was nervous about meeting Malcolm. What if he doesn't like me?

As soon as the thought came, Malcolm walked out of the bus and he walked up to Tony and gave him one of those bro hugs. He greeted his parents and then he saw me. "And who is this?" He walks up to me and offers his hand.

"Hi I'm Cassandra - or Cass. Hi, omg, I loved LOST." I stutter out.

He grins from ear to ear, "How sweet, thank you! Yeah it was a fun show."

"Yeah man she's my girl. It's been a heck of a weekend." Tony walks over and puts his arm on my shoulder.

"I bet. You can tell me all about it on the drive." Malcolm started grabbing the bags and helped load the tour bus up.

After everything was packed, Tony and I said goodbye to his parents and I thanked them for graciously taking me in last night. We got on the bus and wow did it seem huge. I've never been on a tour bus before.

The show was at the House of Blues in Dallas. It was a three and a half hour drive. So Tony had plenty of time to tell Malcolm all about how he "stole me from Mark."

"That's a good idea for a song." Malcolm said laughing.

Tony laughed. "He's runner up now, cause I'm coming in first."

"Damn dude, savage but I like it." Malcolm laughed. Tony agreed and started jotting stuff down on a piece of paper.

They were in songwriting mode, so I kept to myself and played on my phone. I checked my socials to see if Ashley or Mark had said anything about me.

Mark had posted a song he always listened to when he was sad. But nothing really about me per se.

Ashley's socials were flooded with pictures of her and Matt. Nothing out of the ordinary. She hasn't even texted me.

In the few hours that we had on the bus, I got to know Malcolm a bit better. They even had me listen to more of their music, because to be quite honest, I think I had only heard Classic before today. But man they had good songs! There wasn't one that I didn't like. But then Tony had me walk on the opposite side of the bus with him to listen to this song, Wasted, on the album. He wanted to see my honest reaction.

I had told him that once the piano started I knew I was in for an emotional ride. I looked at him the whole time the song was on and I just looked at him in awe of his emotion and talent. The lyrics were hit home with me and even our short time together. Just with that one song, I figured out so much more about him.

"Wow. That was amazing." The last "we'd up wasted," rings through the phone and I'm just in awe. I kissed him because I really felt him through that song.

The rest of the trip was spent watching reruns of The Office.  And I ain't even complaining.

We get to the venue around 3:00 and Tony is extremely pumped to start the festivities. Malcolm and him soon helping their crew get everything necessary off the bus.

I walk off the bus for the first time and see there's already fans lined up outside. Tony and Malcolm wave to them and they scream and it's the most adorable thing in the world.

I tell Tony I'm gonna walk around and stretch my legs. I head out and I actually see some of the fans eyeing me from across the street.

"Cass." I hear from right behind me.

I turn around. "Mark?"


Okay so I promise this will be wrapped up soon. 😅

Anyone still reading? ❤️

And who's excited for MKTO's return? I know I am!

Love you guys!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2018 ⏰

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