Flirtatious Actions...

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"We're here." Tony smiled at Cass and put the car in park in front of the hotel.

He got out of the car and walked around the front and gave the keys to the valet. He opened the passenger door and escorted Cass out. "Welcome, my lady," he said as he took her hand.

Tony smiled as he saw her blushing.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Cassandra bluntly said.

"What do you mean?" Tony was dumbstruck.

"Why are you being so sweet?"

"That's just me, love." Tony smiled and took her hand.

"Well I really like you."

"I really like you too. Are you ready for tonight?" Tony gave her one if those toothy grins and Cassandra couldn't help but laugh.

"How are you so adorable yet so sexy?" Cass laughed and just wanted to actually rip his shirt off right then and there. They had arrived at the elevator and Tony pressed the 8 key.

Tony laughed, " Let's file that under questions I ask myself all the time."

Cass was the one smirking this time and Tony noticed. "What are you smirking about?"

"Oh nothing. Just letting my mind wander."

"Oh yeah? About what?" Tony was getting turned on by this obvious mood change from Cass.

"Things. and you."

Tony looked her dead in the eyes and saw the exact same longing he was feeling. He needed to be all over her like right now. "Ooh girl. I like you like this."

"Don't underestimate me Oller." Cass was dialing her flirting game to 11.

The elevator had arrived to Tony's floor. Tony bit his lip and grabbed her hand and started running to the front of his room.

"AH!" Cassandra was startled when Tony started dragging her off of the elevator.

Tony just laughed and hurriedly pulled out his card key from his pocket. He quickly put the card in and turned the handle and grabbed Cass' hand again and pulled her inside. The door couldn't shut fast enough as Tony pushed Cass against the wall and crashed his lips onto hers.

"Oh my god!" Cass managed to yell. Cass smiled as Tony continued to passionately kiss her. Cass clenched the back of his flannel and all the thoughts in her head were of yanking it off of his body.

Tony's hands made their way to her face and helped move her hair out of her eyes. The heat between the two of them was undeniable and it seemed the actual temperature in the room had turned up. Tony pulled away and Cassandra instantly helped him whip his flannel off. Tony's arms were now visible and Cassandra let out a gasp.

"You have tattoos? Oh my God, no wonder I find you so attractive. I sort of have a fetish with tattoos! Oh my God what does it say? Why were you hiding these from me?" Cassandra almost ran out of breath. She sort of got a little crazy when it came to tattoos.

He let out a chuckle because the small talk got in the way of their passion, "Well obviously this one says 'Passion', what we were having before you interrupted." Tony gave out another toothy smile.

"Well sorry for almost dying when I saw these beauties. What does this one say?" she said pointing to Tony's forearm.

"You tell me," he gave her a smirk.

Cass smiled and read out loud, "I'll love you forever, i'll like you for always as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." Cass looked up at his eyes and they just seemed to glow when she said, "Awhhhhh."

Cass could almost see him blushing.

"That is the most adorable thing like ever." Cass couldn't stop smiling.

"It's from a children's book. It's a homage to my mom." Tony admitted.

"Awh, that's so adorable! You're a mama's boy!" Cass smiled at him.

"You know you ruined the whole mood, right?"

"Now all I want to do is lay down and cuddle and talk about the small things." Cass just grabbed his hand and smiled up at him.

"Ugh fine."

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