The Meeting

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The club was high with energy as Cassandra walked in. The music boomed over the speakers as the DJ spun Jason Derulo's Talk Dirty To Me. Cassandra usually never went out to these sorts of clubs but it was her 21st birthday and the Houston girl needed to unwind with her best friends.

"You ready girl?" Cassandra's best friend Ashley practically shouted over the music.

"I just wish Mark was here." Cassandra hadn't seen her boyfriend in about two weeks.

"Well you're in luck then. Mark?! C'mon out!" Ashley called.


Mark comes in through the door and Cassandra loses it and runs up to him.


There was a loud scream coming from the entrance. Tony turned around from the bar to see what the disturbance was.

"She's cute." Elias smirked at Tony.

"Who her?" Tony said pointing to the girl who had just started making out with her boyfriend, so everyone who came in to the place, had to awkwardly avoid them.

"Yeah her. Who else?"

"She's obviously with someone bro." Tony took another sip of his drink.

"That's stopped you before? Hey, I don't mind finding a cab to the hotel, if something happens tonight."

"Elias, you sly dog! You think I could get with hurr?" Tony started to slur his words and took a puff of his cigarette.

"Go have some fun buddy." Elias couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright I will." Tony got up from the bar and walked towards the girls. "Hey, what's all the commotion about?"

"Oh, it's my 21st birthday and my best friends surprised me with my boyfriend who has been away for a couple weeks. Sorry if we bothered you." Cassandra politely answered him.

"Oh is that so? No don't apologize hun. It's your special day and you deserve to spend it however you want." Tony was obviously flirting and Mark was not too happy.

"Listen pal, back off, obviously she's mine." Mark was almost in Tony's face.

"Mark! Stop!" Cassandra shouted over the still-loud booming music.

"He's obviously making a move on my girlfriend, sorry if I'm upset!?" Mark's tone of voice was annoyed with just a hint of sarcasm.

"It's fine! Hey, you look familiar, have I seen you before?" Cassandra asked Tony.

"Girl, you've seen me everywhere."

"Cass, he's obviously drunk, let's get out of here." Mark was getting pissed off.

"Mark stop being such a party pooper, I came here to have a good time!"

"Whatever I'll be at the bar." Mark stormed off because he wasn't getting his way tonight.

"No, but seriously where have I seen you?" Cass asked Tony again.

"Name's Tony Oller, nice to meet you." Tony took Cass' hand and brought it up to his lips and planted a kiss on the back of her hand.

You could see Cassandra's obvious blushing. "Tony Oller? Wait, weren't you on that Disney show? Oh my goodness, I used to have the biggest crush on you."

"Used to?" Tony faked a frown.

Cassandra laughed. "But my, you've changed."

Tony smiled, "In a good way right?"

Cassandra didn't know what to do. Her childhood crush was standing right in front of her and her jealous boyfriend was at the bar ignoring her. "Oh, of course." She couldn't help but smile back and get lost in his eyes. "Oh, wow, you have such pretty eyes."

"Your eyes are even more beautiful. What do you say we get out of here and go back to my hotel?" Tony was not messing around, when he wants a girl, he makes sure he gets the girl.

Cassandra looked at her boyfriend, then to her best friends (who were giving her the thumbs up), then back to Tony. "You know what? Let's do it." and with one last passing glance over at Mark, Cassandra left the club with Tony.

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