Once upon a time

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Once upon a time the world was ruled by humans

Than titans took over.

The tall titans took over the Earth, and us humans where pushed aside. To the bottom of the food chain, put in getos of our own.

Life went on as usual though we just couldn't travel or leave the getos. Those with money stayed at the top and the rest of us work to survive as always.

That was until the academy's where introduce. More than a hundred years of peace and lack of interaction from the titans on our land did they show up.

The titans required our estates to wear watches, holo watches to be exact. You could do anything you wanted on it, chat, call, watch YouTube, Netflix, search the internet.

And they kept track of everything we did and even our health. Modern technology and the obsession of the internet and its entertainment made us blind to one of the reasons they wanted our data intake. It was why they gave us the damn watches in the first place.

It had been a rather un eventful day, I had made breakfast for my family of four, made sure everyone eat— ever since my fathers passing my mother who was divorced and hated the guts of the man, wouldn't eat, neither did my older siblings.

I rush to catch the bus after walking the dogs and made my way to work.

I worked as a rookie attorney, I had the memory of an elephant and remember everything.

I always though logically pushed my emotions away and thought with my brain. It's how I had won many cases despite the fact that I was only twenty three and people always assumed of me as stupid for my appearance.

I'm small and look like I am thirteen, most people in the office call me the baby attorney. At first I hated it but then I realized they used it as a weapon.

People assumed I'm young naive and go easy on me, thinking they will win the case, but then I out smart them.

I love the look in their faces when their eyes go wide and faces pale, I whisper to some of them in the hallway after the hearing, You thought I was fucking stupid didn't you dipshit.

It's precious when their jaws drop.

Pardon my French but growing up in a house were everyone roast one and other and swears like a sailor is hard to get rid off.

I had stayed late doing paper work until six, listening to German and Japanese music until I could barely keep my eyes open and made my way back home.

I laid my head against the bus window until the bus driver, Dave, woke me up. My stop was always the last the one in the outskirts of the town near the forest close to the titans land.

I need to make dinner knowing my mom would be tired from her job and my siblings as well. I was thinking of maybe ramen, I took the packages of instant stuff and somehow made it edible with milk and some garlic, top it with melted cheese and you get a more decent meal— you'd be surprise how years of eating instant noodles magically makes you a chef if your clever.

I passed the creek by house slowly kicking a pebble my shoes in hand. I pretend it I was a soccer player and kicked it back and forth until I saw the broken mail box of my house, I aimed shot and score! The pebble passed right through the middle.

The smile on my face dropped, seeing the shiny car in my drive way, someone had been chosen to be put into the little academy.


Not edited, I'm bored, and no one's going to read
this 😊

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