Late Night Drives and Stargazing

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Pairing:Billy Hargrove x Female Reader

Genre: FLUFF


She hung her hands out the window as Billy sped down the quiet road. She smiled as your music rang free in his car. She was the only person that could make him listen to her type of music. She giggled when she felt the cool evening air on her face. Billy glanced at her from the corner of his eye and smiled softly. She has been a huge part in his new life. He had made amends with Max and apologized to Sinclair and a few others as well. Billy was turning a new leaf. However, he couldn't help but beat himself up for how he used to act. However, when Y/n came into his life, everything seemed to change.

Y/n started singing to the song that was playing and Billy couldn't help but laugh as she danced in her seat and sang. "Come on Mr. macho man! Sing with me!" She called out as she screamed the song at the top of her lungs. She soon started giggling when Billy joined in. They were having the best time ever. Billy remembered what had happened before they went on this drive and he couldn't help but smile at the memory. He watched as she placed her feet on the dashboard and giggled her way into a stupor. Billy normally didn't like anyone putting their feet on his car but with her, he loved how she just claimed his things as hers.

"What are you doing babe?"

"I'm just admiring how you managed to snag me by the heart and keep me close."

She rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"I fell in love with you because you had a broken soul."

Billy fell silent. He thought she only liked him for his looks.

"My soul?"

Y/n sat up in the seat and turned to face her boyfriend.

"I fell in love with the boy that would cry at the drop of a pin because he was similar to me. Something we had in common was the way our souls mended each other."

Billy never thought of it like that. He pulled the car over to the side of the road and parked the car. He turned to face her. He took her hands in his and smiled the softest smile she had ever seen. She leaned forward and melted when he leaned in as well. His lips molded with hers in the perfect way that made her yearn for more. His kisses were electric and she could feel it in her spine.

He pulled away from the kiss and smiled softly at her. "I love you so damn much. I don't know where I would be if you were not in my life." He whispered. He felt vulnerable around her. As he said those words, it was like fate, but Africa by Toto started playing and she giggled with the biggest smile on her face. She pressed her hands to Billy's face making him look at her. "And I couldn't imagine my life without you in my life. Her lips brushed against his lips as she sang the chorus of the song. "It's gonna take a lot to drag me away from you. There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do." Billy smiled against her lips.

Billy pulled away and started the car up again. She closed her eyes and smiled at the sound of the engine revving. She squealed when Billy launched forward. His laugh rang out as you both sang to the next song. She turned and focused on her boyfriend as he laughed and sang to the song. Looking at the road ahead of her, she couldn't see anything and that alone should have scared her, but with Billy in the car with her, she didn't fear the unknown. She didn't fear the dark that engulfed the road. She did fear the road that didn't have Billy. That didn't have any of her friends. That didn't have the people she cared about.

Billy took his right hand and held it in front of her. She smiled and instantly intertwined her fingers with his. He dropped their hands onto the middle console of the car and sped down the road. It was nice that there were no cars out while Billy and her had their late night drive dates. They only did these at the end of every month to decompress from everything that month brought for them. Y/n started singing to the songs as they came on and Billy couldn't help the smile and small laugh that he let out. Everything about her was what he needed in his life.

He had watched her heal his and Max's relationship and how she cheered when they had become close siblings like they should have been. He loved watching her do Max's hair and imagined what it would be like if he had a daughter. He found himself blushing like crazy every time that idea popped into his mind. He grinned when he realized he was driving up to a friend's house that had a truck. "Hey babe, I have another surprise for tonight. I don't know if it's something that we can add to our late night drive dates but I want to try it out. If you want to, we just have to stop at a friend's house and switch cars." He said. Y/n thought for a moment before smiling and nodding her head.

Billy smiled and drove to his friend's house. He knew that his friend would be up late and when they reached the house, Billy turned the car off and parked it on the side of the street. He raced to the door and when it opened, Y/n couldn't hear what was being said. All she saw was Billy's friend nodding his head, hand Billy keys, and a few blankets and pillows were stuffed in his arms. He turned to Y/n and smiled. "Come on princess. Let's go!" He said. She giggled and climbed out of the car and walked to the truck.

Billy got everything thrown into the back seats and helped Y/n into the passenger's seat. She giggled but leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Billy's nose making him scrunch his nose in the cutest way. She giggled and watched as he quickly shut the door and ran to the drivers side. "So what is this mystery date idea that you so want to have happen every night we do a late night drive?" She asked when Billy started the truck. He looked over at her before booping her nose. "You will see when we get there." He said backing the truck up and heading down the road once again.

{Time-Skip; Point of View change}

You and Billy had been talking the whole drive before and parked the truck and turned to you. "Come one. I'm positive that you will figure it out once we start getting the bed of the truck put together." He said winking. You felt your heart race and your face heat up before you laughed and climbed out of the car and grabbed some of the blankets in the back. You and Billy began getting the blankets and pillows situated in the bed of the truck and when Billy was satisfied he turned to you and smiled. "Ready baby?" He asked. You nodded at him and he went to the driver's side of the truck and shut everything off.

When the light's disappeared, the glowing of the moon and stars lit up the sky. You twirled around as you looked at the sky. A giggle left your lips. "This is beautiful Billy. I really love it." You said when you felt Billy's arms wrap around your waist. He smiled into your shoulder before you both climbed into the back of the truck. You laid against Billy's chest as you both looked at the stars. "I love this Billy. I think we should add it to the late night drive. I can feel the tension leaving my body just laying out here." You mumbled sleepily. 

Billy smiled and pulled a blanket over him and you

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Billy smiled and pulled a blanket over him and you. You snuggled closer to his chest and a sigh of contentment left your lips. Billy's eyes softened as he reached forward and brushed a few strands of hair from your face. He knew this would be a good idea. He just wanted to make sure you were ok with the idea first. However, seeing you curled up against him and your head on his chest sound asleep, he knew he made the right choice. He soon found himself falling asleep and wrapped his arms around your body as his eyes closed. This was the best decision he had made after talking with a few friends. Sleeping out under the stars was something he would continue to do with you. A smile drifted across his lips as he held you close. "Best date ever." He mumbled. 

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now