Please don't leave me

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader

Genre: Angst/Hurt-Comfort/ Fluff

Song: any sad song you can find.

WARNING: Mentions of abuse, Billy coming to reader in tears, Max begging the reader to get Neil away from Billy and her, reader has a gun and knows how to use it, but doesn't use it on anyone. She just scares Neil with it.

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You were jolted from your sleep by pounding on your front door. You knew that pounding by heart and you fell off the couch in an attempt to race to the front door. Throwing open the door, you saw Billy and Max standing there. Billy had a broken, and bleeding nose, a black eye, and he was cradling his right arm. Max was shivering but she had a slap mark on her face and you pulled them gently into the house. Max was practically sobbing by the time you had then situated on the couch. You pressed your hands to her face and felt tears running down your face.

"Mom! Dad! I need your help!" You yelled out. Your dad was the first down the stairs when he heard his name. He saw Billy and Max and his blood boiled. "Sweetie, I need you to get Billy to the hospital. I will be there with Chief Hopper in a moment." your dad said, grabbing his keys, a note pad and a few other things. Your mother ran down the stairs a few moments ago and had tears falling down her face. "I'll keep Max here for the time being." She said, softly. You nodded your head and helped Billy stand up. He handed you his keys to his car and tried to smile but a pained whimper left his throat instead.

You could handle the way his father treated him. If you could call Neil a father. You helped Billy into the passenger side of the car and closed the door. He hissed in pain when the car jerked. You started the car and sped all the way to the hospital. When the staff saw you walking in with Billy, they immediately got to work. They helped you both to a room, got the nurse to check vitals of Billy and then proceeded to take him to the X-Ray room. You waited for him while your knee was bouncing. You looked up at the sound of talking and found your father and Hopper talking. "Y/n! Where's Billy?" Hopper asked, giving you a hug. You wiped at the tears that had fallen down your face. "He's getting x-rays done right now. He's been in there for almost an hour." You said, your body starting to shake from how long you had been trying to hold back tears.

The door to the room opened and Billy walked in and sat next to you with tears spilling down his face. He hiccupped as he tried to keep the broken sob that was stuck in his throat from escaping. You pressed your hands to his face making him look at you. That was what broke him. He sobbed and with his unbroken arm, he gripped your shirt as tightly as he could. He shook violently as he sobbed against your shoulder. "I don't wanna go back to him Y/n. Please don't make me go back to him." He begged. You felt tears filling your eyes as your pressed kisses to his face. "I won't let you go back Billy." You whispered, before the doctor entered the room.

"Y/n, are you Billy's girlfriend by chance?" He asked, adjusting the glasses on his nose. "Yes I am." You said. The doctor nodded and noticed Hopper and your father standing in the back. "May I show them your x-rays Billy?" The doctor asked. Billy nodded his head from where it lay on your shoulder. The doctor began putting the x-rays up and you covered your mouth in shock. "Billy's father seems to have done some severe damage to his shoulder, and seems to have given him some broken ribs as well. His ribs are not severely broken enough that he needs to stay here, but we will be putting him in a brace that will keep his back straight and restrict turning at the waist." The doctor said, as he wrote some things down.

You felt your body shaking in anger. "We will be putting his arm in a cast and sling and for the love of his safety, keep him away from his father. I assume that is why you have a lawyer and police officer here Y/n?" The doctor asked. You nodded your head and pointed to your father first. "My dad is a lawyer, and the police officer is my uncle. Could I please see Billy's medical records?" You asked. The doctor nodded and handed you everything he had on Billy. You skimmed through the pages and found you covering your mouth in disgust. You handed it to your father and uncle and had to hold back your scream of anger.

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now