Dancing and sweet words

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Dancer Reader

Genre: Fluff

Warning: NONE

Song(s): Footloose(Kenny Loggins), Billie Jean(Michael Jackson), Uptown Girl(Billy Joel)

Rating: G

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Billy is confused. That's simple. He can hear music coming from the basement of his girlfriend's house and he wonder's what's going on. He knocks on the front door and your mother answers the door. "Hello Billy. Come on in. Y/n is downstairs finishing up her dance routine. You are more than welcome to go down and watch her if you want." Billy smiled at your mother before nodding his head and walking down the stairs. When he reached the bottom of the stairs the sound of the music swirled around him.

He watched with wide eyes as you effortlessly danced around the floor to the song. The smile on your face made his heart warm up and his face grow warm. When you and Billy started dating, he didn't know that you were a dancer and he didn't care for dancing as much. When you came into his life, he started to enjoy dancing. He had seen you dance before and found it breathtaking. He didn't know how you could do something like dancing so effortlessly when he looked like he was about to trip himself.

Billy sat in a chair next to the staircase and watched as you twirled around. You had a graceful look to you when you were dancing. Something Billy couldn't quite get out of his head even if he tried too. The sway of your hips and the tilt in your back when you bent back farther than he thought was possible for a human spine. His eyes lit up when you looked directly at him and smiled that sweet smile at him. You were the first person that he had come to when his father had hurt him beyond repair, and you seemed to pick up the pieces and put him back together.

"How do you do that?"

You raised an eyebrow. "Do what?"

Billy gestured to how your back was bowed and you had pulled your leg up to her head. You giggled before dropping your leg and walking over to him. You held your hands out to him while he placed his hands in yours and allowed you to guide him to the area you once were standing. He raised an eyebrow before you gave him a smile. "Let's dance to one of my favorite songs, yeah?" You asked, walking over to your boombox. You skipped through most of the songs before your favorite started to play. You ran back over to Billy and grinned. "We can take the dance slow or you can try and follow my lead." You said. Billy swallowed nervously before taking a deep breath. "I can follow your lead." He said. He offered a small smile when he saw you grow excited. He shook his head and laughed a little.

{Time Skip}

You lay on the floor laughing hysterically. BIlly was staring at you unamused but he couldn't really be angry with you. He plopped down next to you on the floor before groaning in pain. You sat up when your body began to beg for oxygen. You wiped the tears from your eyes and scooted closer to your boyfriend. He glared at you but allowed you closer to him. Your arms snaked around his waist. "You did very well for your first dance lesson billy. I am actually very happy about that." You said pressing a kiss to his cheek.

Billy gave you a sideways glance before smiling and leaning his body against yours. He leaned his head against your head and closed his eyes. He was happy. He had finally found someone that actually loved him even if he was broken." You smiled and nuzzled closer to Billy. "You know, we should show off your dancing skills to the others. I know Max would get a kick out of you dancing." you said, pressing a kiss to his neck.

He snorted. "I would rather die than let my sister see my mess of dancing skills." He said laughing as he turned to face you. You smiled up at him before leaning forward and pressing your lips to his. "Don't worry. I think she would love to see you try." You answered, standing up from the ground. Billy followed you and stood as well. Before you could leave, his arms wrapped around your waist and he pulled you against his chest. "I haven't told you this but, you really saved me. I could have gone down a much darker road but you were willing to risk everything to help me." Billy whispered while leaning his forehead against yours.

You smiled and closed your eyes, relishing in the warmth that filtered off Billy's body. "I don't think I would have survived the mind flayer had El not said anything about you. She told me that you were waiting for me. Waiting for me to come home. How your smile brightened at the sight of me. I didn't believe it at first, but then El brought me into this weird black abyss and I was able to see you, sitting on the couch with your parents. You told them how you and I were dating and that they could see just how happy you were when you said my name." Billy felt tears welling up in his eyes.

You smiled and lifted your hand to his face. He leaned into your touch and laughed. "I couldn't imagine my life without you when El showed that to me. I knew that I had to beat the mind flayer and come out of that fight alive, and I did. I fought that creature off with the help of El and my little sister and their friends. I was able to stay alive and come back to you." Billy mumbled as tears slipped down his face. You smiled at him before leaning forward and pressing your lips to his.

"And I am glad that you survived. I don't know what I would have done if you left my side before it was time. I was scared when I heard about the 'fire' at the mall and they had to drag your dented and destroyed looking car from the wreckage and I for sure that something had happened to you. However, when you and Max showed up on my doorstep, I was so happy and so unbelievably happy that you two had survived. I was not ready for you to leave my side." You whispered. You moved your arms to wrap around his neck. Billy smiled before pulling you against his chest and holding you close. "I love you so much." He whispered. "I love you too Billy." You whispered back. You two stayed like that for a few minutes before you both broke apart. "Shall we go back upstairs and have a snack?" You asked. Billy smiled and intertwined his fingers with yours. "I would love that. Your mother makes the best cookies I have ever tasted." Billy said laughing when you glare at him. "I will have you know that I help my mother with those cookies sir." You said.

Billy smiled and chuckled before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to your cheek. "I know. I just love the pout you have when I say something different." He said. You puffed your cheeks out at his words before a small giggle left your throat. "You are a dork Billy." You said. "Your dork." He said. You laughed as you and Billy raced up the stairs. You laughed loudly and your mother and father smiled while shaking their heads. "Billy brought the best out of her." Your father said. Your mother smiled. "Yes. Yes he did." She answered.

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now