I will always love her

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Y/n got sent to the Hospital by her father and Billy got really worried and her father said that he hopes she dies and Billy gets mad at him. her father asks why he cares and Billy punches him saying: "because I love her"

Billy drove down the road nearly crashing a few times. He had just gotten a call from the hospital saying his girlfriend was there and that he was her emergency contact. He prayed and prayed that she was ok and that nothing happened to her. When he reached the hospital, he parked the car and ran into the building. "Where is Y/n L/n's room?" He asked. The nurse could see how anxious he was and looked at her files. "She is in room 329 on the third floor, at the very end of the hallway, on the right hand side." The nurse said, handing him a visitor sticker. He thanked her and ran to the elevator. He stuck the sticker on his left leg and pressed the 3rd floor button.

When the doors opened on the third floor, Billy ran down the hallway. He was not going to lose the most important person in his life other than his little sister Max, who he managed to get custody over. He knocked on the door and heard a very weak, "come in" from the other side. He carefully opened the door and found you laying in the hospital bed. You were hooked to multiple wires and tubes were placed in your nose. You had bruises around your neck and a black eye. "Who did this to you?" He whispered and he grabbed a chair and sat down next to your bed. You felt tears fill your eyes.

You whimpered, making Billy fear the worst. "My father." You answered softly. Billy his heart dropped into his stomach. He pressed his hand to the side of her face and gave her a gentle smile. "I am so sorry, love. I promise that when you are out of this hospital, you are coming to live with me and my little sister Max." He whispered. You smiled up at him but you glanced at the door and fear overcame your body. Billy noticed and turned around. His eyes narrowed and his free hand clenched into a fist. "What the hell are you doing here?" Billy snarled.

"What. Her own father can't come and see her?" Your father asked, grinning. He took a step forward and Billy grabbed the closest object that was sharp. Your father saw and stopped. "You stay the hell away from her, you monster. Not even I would go that far. Then again, I won't go as far as to hit her." Billy hissed angrily. Your father laughed. "She deserved it. I'm surprised that she isn't dead with how hard I was choking her." He answered. Billy stared at your father with rage. Next thing you knew, Billy had slammed your father into the ground and started punching him in the face.

You didn't know what to do so you grabbed the phone that was on the bedside table and called the front desk. You told them everything that had happened and why you were really in the hospital. They immediately called your uncle, Hopper and a few of his deputies. Moments passed before Billy was pulled off your father and Hopper held Billy back while they cuffed your father. "Why do you even care for that sorry excuse of a child?! She means nothing! She was the reason her mother died. It was all because of her." Your father screamed in rage. Hopper narrowed his eyes. "Because I love her. She fixed me when I thought I couldn't be fixed." Billy felt his body sag as he looked back at you.

"She is the reason me and my little sister are now starting to act more like siblings and not always at each other's throats. She was the one I could go to when I had issues with my father. She was my safe place and I would tear this world apart if she were to leave too early. I can't lose her. Not yet." Billy said. Hopper released his hold on the boy and watched as he climbed into the hospital bed with you. He took your hand in his and pressed them to his chest. He laid his head on top of her head and smiled when he felt her nuzzle into his chest. Hopper smiled before turning back to your father. His smile left his face and he ordered his men to take him out.

"Billy, take good care of her. He is gonna be in prison for a while so, if you and Max don't have anywhere to stay, you can go and live with her."

"Really? You mean that?"

"Yeah. She has told me lots about you and Max and how you both make her life better."

Billy looked back to her and smiled softly. He turned his head to see Hopper give him a nod and head out of the room. Tears filled his eyes as he watched you. Your throat flexed when you swallowed and you let out a pained whine every time you swallowed. He brushed his fingers over the bruises on your throat and he felt a clench in his heart. He brushed a few strands of hair from your face as your eyes began to grow heavy. "Sleep. I will be right here when you wake up." Billy whispered. You smiled at him before your eyes closed and you fell asleep.

{A hour later}

Billy opened his eyes to the sound of knocking on the door. "Come in!" Y/n's voice called making him look over at her. It still sounded scratchy, but it wasn't as bad as it was when he first got there. He turned his head when the door opened and Steve, Robin, Nancy, and the 6 kids bounded into the room. Max was the last to come into the room. "How do you feel Y/n?" Dustin asked. You smiled and leaned against Billy. "I feel much better now." You said. "Did Billy stay with you?" Lucas asked. You shook your head.

You told them everything that happened. You could see the joy they had dropped the farther you got into the story. "Your father is an ass." Steve said. "Don't worry. You have Billy, and the rest of us that can protect you now." Will said, placing his hand in your open hand. You smiled and held his hand tightly. "Thank you. I really appreciate that Will." You answered, smiling brightly at them. They stayed with you the rest of the day. They played games with you, laughed, got you to smile again. You looked down after everyone had left. Billy noticed you looking down and lifted your head up slightly.

"What's wrong baby?" He asked. You felt tears fill your eyes before you buried your face in his chest and cried. "How is it that I have such a sweet and loving boyfriend and so many great friends yet, my dad's words still haunt me?" You whimpered. Billy wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer to his body. "You dad is a lier. Those words were meant to bring you down and keep you away from us. He wanted you to think we were the bad guys and that he was saving you from us." Billy answered.

His father used to do the same thing to him while he was dating you. "Everything will be fine. Hopper said that we can still live in the nice house your dad had bought and that me and Max could stay with you there. Does that sound good?" Billy asked. You smiled brightly and nodded your head. Billy smiled at you before he got off the bed and walked over to the couch. "I will stay here with you for the last day you are here and then we can go and get that house all set up and everything. We can even sell your dad's things and get extra cash. Hopper said he would be in prison for a long long time." Billy said, watching as your lips drew up in a smile. Oh how he loved that smile. "Now, let's get a good night's sleep before tomorrow. I will be taking you and Max back to your house so we can get everything set up the way we like it." Billy said laying on the couch. You smiled and nodded your head before yawning.

"Alright. Good night Billy. I love you. Thank you for coming, it means a lot."

"No problem babe. Anything for you. I love you too and sleep well." 

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now