Billy's Girl

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader

Genre: Fluff (Tooth rotting Fluff)

Song(s): Jesse's Girl- Rick Springfield, Uptown Girl- Billy Joel

Warnings: None! Extremely fluffy

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Billy couldn't remember what he had done in his past life to have you, a literal angel at his side. You smiled and waved to everyone that passed. You helped everyone that needed the help. You were willing to work longer shifts at work when one of your coworkers called out. You never smoked, never drank, was always there for Billy when his father left marks and wounds on his face. You took Max in like she was your sister to begin with. He loved watching you as you instinctively intertwined your fingers with his. How you would always kiss him goodbye before he left to go back home. How you would give him a good morning kiss when he came to pick you up for school the next morning.

He would get extremely jealous when he saw guys trying to ask you out when he was literally standing right next to you. He would glare at the male that tried to ask you out. However, you would always decline and tell them that Billy was your man and your only man. Billy was all grins the rest of the day. He didn't realize that you didn't care if people knew you were dating the bad boy trying to be good. After the mess that occurred at Starcourt, Billy wanted nothing more than to fix his life up. He wanted to mend his relationship with his little sister Max and apologize for everything he had done to her.

"Billy? Hey Billy!"

Billy turned and looked at you. "What's going on hon? You zoned out while I was asking you something. You honestly looked like you were about to cry." You whispered, pressing your hands to his face to make him look at you. He chuckled and leaned into your hands while pressing his hands to yours. "Sorry. I was just thinking about how you are way better than I am and should be dating someone else." He answered honestly. Your eyes widened and you pulled your boyfriend closer to you. "Now why would I do that? You are the one for me Billy. You are broken, and I like broken. That means I can be the person that puts you back together and be the person to watch you grow and flourish when others leave you." You whispered.

Billy felt like he could cry. He never had someone show him this kind of love ever in his life. He knew he was broken and he believed that you would figure that out and leave him, yet here you are, hugging him as if he would disappear from your side at any given minute. You held him tightly, not wanting to let him go. Billy felt his chest tighten with how much you actually loved him. "Baby, you don't get to leave me. I told you on day one that when we start dating it would take a miracle for me to let you go and stop loving you." You said giggling when Billy smiled down at you. He laughed before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours.

You smiled into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck. His arms snaked around your waist and held you close against his body. You loved everything about Billy. There was nothing about him that made you dislike him. If anything, all the scars that lined his torso and stomach made him that much stronger in your eyes. The way he fought the mind flayer and won. That was admirable. You knew you were nowhere near the amount of strength but Billy showed that strength to you. He showed you the things that you didn't think that you could do, but ended up being able to do them.

You never told Billy but, but he was your rock. He was somewhere you could go when you needed comfort or when you needed a shoulder to cry on. He was always there for you. Pulling back from the kiss when oxygen became a thing, you stared up at Billy. His sea blue eyes staring back at you with so much fondness in them that you thought he was going to burst into tears.

Instead, the biggest, brightest smile appeared on his face. His arms moved from your waist to wrap about your body as he pulled you against his chest. You giggled and wrapped your arms around him as well. "I still wonder how I managed to get an angel as my girlfriend sometimes Y/n." He said, looking down at you and smiling. You grinned up at him. "The same reason I got you." You said burying your face in his chest. He chuckled and held you tightly against his chest. He began swaying you both side to side as the sun began to set.

He had taken you out on a date to stargaze and currently, he is leaned up against the front of his car, with his arms wrapped around you and your chin pressed into his chest as you looked up at him while he looked down at you. You smiled up at him before standing on your tiptoes to press your lips to his. He grinned before leaning his head down and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was soft and gentle but it held the amount of love the two had for each other.

As the sun began to disappear behind the mountains and the sky became dark, you turned around and leaned against Billy's chest as the stars peaked out in the sky. The moon glowing in all its glory makes you smile. "I have one more surprise babe." Billy said as he moved from where he was standing. You raised your eyebrows in confusion before turning back to the stars and smiling. Billy walked to the back of his car and pulled out the blankets and pillows he had Max help him out there.

He walked around and his grin was so big he was sure his face was gonna hurt when he stopped smiling. "Want to spend the night under the stars?" He asked. You turned around and could make out his figure before he got closer. He was holding comfortable blankets and pillows in his hands and arms while smiling at you. You couldn't help but grin. "I would love to, if it means, I get to cuddle with my man." You said. Billy's grin became soft as he handed off the bigger blanket and watched as you laid it out of the ground. He placed the pillows together on the blanket. You both took your shoes off and got on the blanket together. Billy covered you and him with another blanket and smiled when you curled your body against his.

As the stars shone above you both, the silence between you two was comfortable. Before long, the two of you fell asleep and the sounds of nature lulled you to that sleep. You were using Billy as a pillow while his arms were wrapped tightly around you. Billy couldn't remember a time when he had slept that good in his entire life. He opened his eyes at some point during the night and found you pressed as close as you could get to his side. Your head laying on his chest and your right hand gripping his shirt right above his heart. "I love you doll." he whispered, pressing a kiss to your head before falling back asleep.

"Do you think we should wake them up?"

"No. They need to sleep Dustin."

"My brother especially does. This is the longest I think he has ever slept."

"Do you think they will get angry if we just chill and wait for them to wake up?"

"Lucas, I'm pretty sure they would kill us."

"No, Y/n is the sweetest around us, I don't think she will."

"Billy is a different story."

Billy opened his eyes to find the kids standing over them and he rolled his eyes but grinned nonetheless. "If you little shits don't leave us alone, I will beat you all up." He joked, causing the kids to scream in surprise. Billy laughed and looked at them. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you all, but, how did you get here anyway?" Billy asked. Will grinned. "Steve and Robin got us here. They said that you hadn't come back last night and they brought us up here to see if you two were still here." Mike answered.

Billy rolled his eyes. "Y/n's brother is straight up worried over nothing. I can protect her if needed and I know she is capable of swinging something hard against someone trying to hurt her. I've seen it with my own eyes." Billy said remembering the time Jason tried to scare you and you ended up punching the man in the face and throwing a text book at him. Billy had never laughed that hard in his life before. "Alright, we will let Steve know you both are fine and that he doesn't need to worry anymore. Just make sure you don't stay here much longer. Billy snorted but nodded his head. "Little rugrats." he laughed before his eyes closed again and he curled his body against yours to find the warmth again.

He loved you to the end of time and was willing to throw hands with a god or demon if needed. Billy would protect you even if it was to the extent of his life. He loved you and didn't want anything to happen to you. He grinned when you pressed closer to him and yawned. Yeah, he was willing to die for you. That much he knew and would keep that to himself, or he would be scolded by you. Y/n was Billy's girl. And Billy was your boy. Everyone knew that and Billy was happy about that. You loved him and he loved you. That was enough.

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now