I watch the moon

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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader

Requested: AllisonTart

Song: Only love can hurt like this- Paloma Faith

Genre: Fluff/angst/hurt and comfort

Summary: Y/n gets a nightmare of her losing Billy and her brother Eddie in the Upside Down and wakes up in the dead of night with tears streaming down her face. Billy, who is sleeping next to her, wakes with a start and turns to see her sitting by her window trying to control her breathing but she just breaks and starts to cry. Billy gets up to comfort his girlfriend.

Italics: Nightmare


You ran for what seemed like ages. You had been stuck in the Upside Down with Steve and the kids and you were all trying to find a way out. However, when Dustin did find a way out of this hellhole, two people blocked the exit. One had long hair adorned with a black and white bandanna. The other wore a red shirt that was unbuttoned in the front. You stopped dead in your tracks. You swallowed as you stared at your brother and boyfriend. "You left us to die Y/n." Billy said.

You shook your head and felt tears falling down your face. "I-I didn't." You stammered as you backed away from them. They walked forwards and Steve and the kids just ran right past them. You shook your head as your tears finally poured down your face. "No. No, I didn't leave you!" you whimpered. You could feel your heart burning in your chest as they continued forward. Billy's hands clenched at his side and a snarl on his face.

Eddie, your brother, just had a disappointed look on his face. "You did. You left us to die. What kinda sister and girlfriend are you." He said as they walked closer and closer to you. You were full on sobbing now. Tears falling down your cheeks like a waterfall. You begged them to stop. To listen to you. You would never leave them. You would never leave them for dead. You loved them both too much to even think that way. The look on their faces said otherwise. You felt your heart beating to the point it might leap out of your chest.

"Please. I would never do this to you."

{Nightmare end}

You sat up with a start. Tears ran down your face as you turned to see Billy laying next to you. He was sound asleep and breathing. You pressed a hand to your heart and felt your heart slowly calm down from the fright. You carefully pulled the covers from your body and walked to the kitchen to grab a cup of water. You stared out at the dark street before sighing and heading back to bed. However, you couldn't risk falling back into that nightmare. You sat on the window nook and looked at the moon. The shining light comforts you a little bit. You close your eyes and will your running mind to slow down and relax.

However, the vividness of the nightmare still sat behind your eyelids. You felt tears falling down your face as the nightmare replayed and replayed and replayed. A small whimper left your lips as you covered your face and silently sobbed. However, your boyfriend was awake the moment you left the bed. He opened his eyes and found you sobbing by the window. He slowly got up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Baby? What's wrong?"

You turned your head to see Billy sitting up in bed. He stared at you with half lidded eyes from sleep. You gave him a wobbly smile before shaking your head. "It's nothing Bills. You can go back to sleep. I'll join you in a moment." You whispered. Billy narrowed his eyes when he heard the tiny wobble in your voice and the quiver of your bottom lip. He climbed out of bed before gently lifting you up. You turn and look at him with a raised eyebrow. "What are you-" Your sentence was cut off when you felt his chest against your back.

You leaned into him and you could feel yourself growing tired. He ran his fingers through your hair and quietly shushed you. "What happened baby?" he asked softly. You closed your eyes and tried to not cry again. You told him about your nightmare. How vivid it was and how real it felt to you. You could feel Billy's arm that was around your waist tighten slightly. He pressed his lips against your neck before burying his face in your shoulder.

"I would never blame you for something like that." He whispered. His own voice started to wobble. You smiled softly and pressed your hand to the back of his head. His curly blonde hair tickles your neck. "I know. I know you would never do something like that. The dream was just so terrifying. I was so scared that you would actually leave me. That you and my brother Eddie would leave me." You whispered.

Billy suddenly stood up and picked you up with him. He carried you back to bed and made sure that you were by the wall this time. He covered you and him with the blankets and curled his body into yours. His arms draped over your waist and he pressed his face into your chest. He closed his eyes and sighed softly. "Does...does this feel better?" He asked softly. You smiled and pressed your hands to the back of his head and pressed your lips against his head. Billy smiled softly and nearly purred when you ran your fingers through his hair. You giggled softly

"This is perfect. Thank you Billy." You whispered. Your fingers ran through his hair and before long, you both fell back to sleep. You pressed closer to Billy knowing that he was your shield at night now. You felt his hands grip your pajama shirt tightly and a smile appeared on your lips. This was gonna be the best sleep you had gotten. Billy was nice and warm and smelled like home. You could feel Billy curling closer to you as if sensing that you were getting jittery again and it calmed you right down. You loved Billy.

Billy has been by your side in your darkest moments and when you were breaking down and crying. And you were there for him when he needed it. When his father hurt him beyond compare and he would show up at your doorstep with tears. You never wanted Billy to have to go through that shit so you gave him your place as a safe zone. As you lay with Billy, his soft snoring lulled you back to sleep. This is what you needed. The nightmares never bothered you again. You closed your eyes and laid your head against Billy's head before sleep finally took over. You had never felt so at peace as you did in that moment.

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now