Don't mess with my girl

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Title: Don't mess with my girl

Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader

Genre: Fluff

Song: You choose

Warning: Billy scaring the shit out of some bullies.

Rating: Pg

Requested: AllisonTart

Y/n groaned for the tenth time during her history class. The stuff she was having to learn were things that she already knew thanks to her father. She jumped slightly when a piece of paper folded up fell onto her desk. She looked around to see who the culprit was but found Billy, her boyfriend of 3 years smiling smugly as he paid attention to the teacher. She rolled her eyes and turned her focus back to the paper. She opened it and read what was written on the note. A smile graced her lips as she read the note.

You. Me. Lunch in my car, it's a date. Yeah?


Y/n smiled and replied to the message before paying attention to the teacher again. Y/n and Billy had been inseparable when they started dating. Reason being, Y/n help Billy. Helped him gain a relationship with his little sister Max. Got him away from his abusive father. Talked with Hopper and got his dad arrested for child abuse. Became a parent to Max. The list goes on and on. What Billy had found attractive in Y/n was her smile. Her smile was genuine and beautiful. Billy knew that she would be targeted by the other girls so he made it his mission to be around her 100 percent of the time. He even made friends with the little rugrats that Maxine is friends with.

When lunch came around, Y/n excitedly ran to her locker to put her things away before practically running to Billy's car. As she made it to his car, she could hear people laughing and talking badly about her. She felt her smile grow smaller before it disappeared completely. "Why don't I see a smile on your pretty face?" Billy's voice made her jump before a smile did appear on her face. "Sorry, people just came walking by when they saw me and decided to start talking smack again. Just the usual." She whispered as she walked closer to her boyfriend.

Billy rolled his eyes and glared at people that walked by. He wrapped his arms around her waist and smiled softly down at her. He leaned down and pressed his lips against hers and his smile grew when he heard people gagging from behind them. "Y'all need to get a room!" They yelled. "Yeah, at least I have a girl." He retaliated back, making the other teen boy blush a bright red after being called out for being single. Billy laughed before pressing his lips against hers again. Pulling back from the kiss, he was out of breath just as she was.

Billy helped her into her seat before climbing into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. You both jammed out to his music and screamed the songs at the top of your lungs. He slowed when they reached a small diner. The waitress came out and noticed the two as students and hurried over to them. "What can I get for the both of you today?" She asked, smiling. Billy placed the order and smiled when Y/n giggled. "What?" He asked as the waitress left to get the food. "Nothing. I just loved how you remembered what I like." She said, smiling at him. Billy grinned before leaning over to her and pressing a small kiss to her lips. After getting their food, they quickly ate and headed back to school.

Y/n had been walking home from school as she had to stay after to finish and make-up some school work before she saw Max being harassed by a group of boys. "Girls can't ride skateboards. You should hand that over to us and leave." One boy said, trying to reach for the board only for Max to pull away from them. Y/n jogged over to Max and pushed her behind her back and glared at the boys. "What are you boys doing picking on her? She can skateboard all she wants." She said glaring at the boys. The group of boys laughed and started walking closer to Max and Y/n. Y/n turned to Max for a split second and grabbed her skateboard and her hand. "Run." Was all Y/n said as she bolted down the sidewalk.

Y/n could hear the boys running after the two of you as you ran down the road. Y/n could tell that Max was panicking. She darted down the sidewalk and found Dustin walking down the sidewalk. "Dustin! Call Billy, please!" Max yelled. Dustin ran to the nearest home and dialed Billy's number waiting for him to pick up. He bounced on the balls of his feet waiting for Billy to pick up when he heard a noise and heard Billy's voice.


"Billy! It's me Dustin, Y/n and Max are in trouble and they need your help! They are being chased!" Dustin yelled into the phone. He heard a sharp intake of breath before the line went dead. Dustin hung up the phone and thanked the couple that let him use their phone before darting out of the house. As he runs from the house, he notices that Max is pinned to the ground and Y/n is being held back by the bullies. "Not so tough being held back by us are you." The main bully sneered at Y/n. She held her ground but she was terrified.

"Maybe I have to teach you a lesson then." The bully said, lifting his hand and pulling it back as he balled it into a fist. Y/n tried to break free from the two boys holding her arms but their grip on her arms tightened making her wince. As the bully went to punch Y/n in the stomach, the sound of an engine revving caught their attention. Y/n looked up just to see Billy's camaro roaring down the street and then pulled to the side. He opened the door before stepping out and closing the door. He glared at the boys restraining not only his little sister but his girlfriend.

"What the hell is this?"

"The red head wouldn't give up the skateboard and hand it over to us as girls don't skateboard and then this chick decided to butt in as well-" Before the boy could finish, Billy grabbed the front of his shirt and invaded his space. "You don't get to tell my kid sister what to do and you DON'T lay a single finger on my girlfriend, understand? IF you do that shit again, I will not hesitate to put you in the dirt. Understand?" He said. The boys nodded their heads terrified of the man in front of them. When Billy released the main bully, they took off running from them.

Billy moved to help Max up and dust her off. She was trying so hard not to cry but when Billy was being so gentle with her and making sure she was ok, she burst into tears. Billy started to panic before he pulled her into his chest and held her tightly. Max cried into his shoulder and begged him not to leave her alone. Y/n watched as he rubbed her back trying to sooth her. She walked towards them and knelt down next to Max and placed her hand on Max's head. "Don't worry anymore Max. Billy is here and he won't let anything happen to you." Y/n whispered when she could hear Max sniffle. Billy looked at her and then looked at Max before smiling softly.

"No one messes with my little sister, or my girlfriend. IF they do, I may commit a felony and run them over." Billy said, causing the two to laugh loudly as he grinned. "I'm serious. I will hit them with my car. I won't stand for it." He said trying to act serious but when the two had tears in their eyes as they laughed loudly, he couldn't help the smile and the laugh that left him. He loved both of them and he was so happy to now have a brother-sister relationship with his step-sister and to have a girlfriend like Y/n. "I love you both so much. I'm glad we managed to get you away from our crazy ass father and that I am able to date you, Y/n." He said. Y/n smiled. "I love you too Billy, so much." She said, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "You two are gross." Max said, laughing at the face her brother and hopefully future sister in law made when she said that.

I will always love you: Billy Hargrove x Female Reader - Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now